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[Abelius]: Hello guys,

Here I am, yet again, to relate my life to you people.

I’ll be honest…: not in my worst nightmares, I would have seen myself in late October, the year 2017, without a playable first version of LOK Rebirth.

When I left my regular job back in June, to focus on the project, I thought it would be ready for late August maximum. I even thought I would be able to return to my almost forgotten good habit of going downtown to skate and keep myself in shape. Hell, I even fantasized about getting myself a girlfriend! ?

And it’s possible that some of you remember a post of mine, just after launching the Demo, saying that we’d reduce our working hours to 8/day…

So much wishful thinking…

Truth is, developer’s life is not as I envisioned one year ago. Moreover, RL gets in the way in forms I didn’t think possible considering that I don’t have a formal schedule now. Days are frustratingly short and even the act of taking your car for a quick checkup makes you lose a half if you’re lucky.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not whining about this lifestyle not being what I wanted. I’m not looking back and I vouch I’ll do everything in my power for seeing this project seeing the light and deserving the level of support that allows us to finally focus on it for good.

However, so much time has passed since June that I’m starting to feel uneasy about my ability to pay my bills in the near future. It’s not a critical situation because I’ve got about six months before things start to get ugly, but the uneasiness it there all the same.

So I’ve decided to accept IT freelance jobs that will occupy about a 33% of my time.

Good thing about that: Those pay well, so I won’t have more worries about my financial situation.

Bad thing: It will delay development. Not so much as if I was working full-time of course, but as we’re also not talking about a part-time job with a well-defined shift, but a task that must be done in several days getting all my attention, those delays will be felt by you if you keep an eye on the Trello board.

And yes, I’m starting this as soon as tomorrow, so it’s very likely I won’t have v0.1 ready for October. ? Just to be clear about it and you can make your own decisions as I’ve made mine.

At any rate, please don’t take this as a plead for ‘Give MOAR money!!’. It’s not. We’re really proud already about our fan base and you have already broken all our expectations when we started the project.

Thing is, Patreon is about the masses supporting lonely creators as they produce niche works they both like. The more known is a project, the more possibilities it has to be supported if they deliver good quality shit. And I estimate about 1200 patrons for LOK:R to be enough for us being our sole source of income.

That means we’ll need to…:

1. Deliver a (playable) game.

2. Publicizing it.

Straightforward steps that should have been done long ago. Some may say even before having launched our Patreon… but I won’t lie to you on that: without your shocking generosity even from the start, I would have found really difficult to take the plunge and leave my job. So it’s kind of a Catch-22 situation (I know about the eternal Patreon debate…)

So, in short, we’re not asking for you to increase your pledge, so the project becomes viable. It is already. We’ll continue doing it. Period.

But a decision had to be made so my RL could also be viable enough.

I know this will be a letdown and I'm very sorry. I just hope in a year's time we're all laughing about these difficulties.



Way I see it? You keep going the course and run into RL difficulties that result in not being able to complete the game at all or you take the side hustle. While updates may be slower, we're still getting updates, so go in.


Hey man, you got to do what you have to do. Money has to come in somehow and I'm sure once v0.1 drops the need to take these temp jobs will begin to disappear. It's unfortunate that v0.1 won't be launched this month but what's waiting another month? Good luck, all the best.


Well you can either slow down the dev speed or ending up as a skeleton. That being said...don't starve, eat plenty and don't get sloppy with your work. =)


Cant have a playable game without a live and well developer!


You're delivering what is possibly the prettiest and most fleshed out LOK game, i'd wait nearly forever to see this game done. You're the most important person in your life at the end of the day, eat, sleep, pay rent, take care of yourself. The project can wait


Take good care of yourself without you we won't have the game anyway so again take good care of yourself for you and us as well ( can you make android version when you finish with PC )


At least you told us! :D


Seeing as you have a good portion of the groundwork done, you've got a solid roadmap and you aren't short of inspiration or ideas - perhaps now would be the time to reach out and show off what we can expect to a wider audience. Trailers are a proven method of building interest before a release. This game (given it's scope and nature) could possibly do with one. You have gorgeous, highly detailed environments, characters, slick motion and undoubtedly a selection of highly arousing interactions and they all need to be seen. A 2-3 minute video showcasing those assets in action (eg Krystals walking animation, her body, the environments, character interactions and the various ways one can engage with them) might just do the trick. I'm not sure where the best place would be to post it, but places like PornHub might be a decent option. I mention PH due to there being scenes and playthroughs of old LoK games with tens of thousands of positive views. A '"brand new game" trailer with a clear focus on the good stuff could potentially generate a similar number and with it... potential investors. Reguarding your current predicament of life quality vs project, there definitely needs to be balance and a level of security, both for your health and the project - passion can only fuel a man for so long.


Don't worry bro, it's alright, we can wait, just make the work at your speed, we will continue to support you anyway :D


never ever


Good luck!!!