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Hi there!

This is the first day of full work since I’ve returned from my family vacation. And man, how much better I work in my garage... no more distractions and no neck pain! ?

Apart from some breaks and stopping for pedestrian bodily needs like eating and drinking, I’m working on full steam and the game map is growing steadily to its launch version, which is important for me to avoid feeling anxious when I open Unity and see a mess of placeholders. I hate that sensation…

What you actually see in a scene is a collection of sprites that need to be positioned so they complement each other without breaking the parallax effect. It’s not a big deal to be honest but the map is pretty big even at this early stage (you’ll see), so preparing so many scenes, doing my best so they feel (more or less) unique with our limited assets, is time-consuming.

And that’s what I’ve been up to today: scene backgrounds editing. And it will be the same for tomorrow, I guess. Not very exciting but needed nonetheless.




I am glad to hear you are back to work. I just can't wait to see what you can add. Work hard and stay healthy.


i've just recently joined but this game looks awesome

Nguyễn Lê Hoàng Ân

oh my, keep the daily logs going, really helps building up the hype :D