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Krys Front Pose(body only).




O... si señor como adivino mi postura favorita... y hablo de la krystal de izq. la primera <3 si siguen asi y con mejores cosas les apoyare con 25$... o mas... xD}


Wow- this is looking really good, guys!Though Krystal either looks way too bored with the sex, or she's really being a baby about having to do her morning calisthenics.


A totally random expression was used there and the arms did not even changed positions. The image itself is just to show you guys the new frontal body parts.


It looks great :3 by the way i still haven't gotten a invite to the discord group :(


oh, my bad, I'll send you a message right away!


The lifted leg one seems a bit off to me. Odd I know, since the one with both legs up seems fine. May just be my mind playing tricks on me.


[Kuja] All the grayish ones are still unfinished. They still do need fixes in the lower torso part, leg conenction and sexual areas, not to mention a new set of "pressed boobs" :D


I actually have a small request if it isn't much trouble, you know how in some of the PlayShapes games there was an option for personality (Good, kinky, tough, reluctant, etc.) And it affected dialogue and text? I would by no means ask you guys to make multiple sets of Krystal voice text for the whole game for personality but having the facial expression be either sweet an innocent, seductive, or appearing forced would be a nice little option depending on people's preference during animations. Maybe have a matching voice to go with it. Just wanted to put the idea out there, guys. I love what y'all are doing, I used to always LOVE the LOK games but they never would finish one, you guys are putting a damn good effort into the look and atmosphere of the game, it's beautiful to look at compared to it's former self by a large margin. Keep up the good work, guys.


[Abelius] We have a lot of expressions available for her model, but what you propose it's not something to be taken lightly. The dialogue system would allow for what you say, theoretically speaking, but it would be... messy. That plugin works with a scripting language that it's not fully flexible and I usually need to make calls to other plugins to actually show any facial reaction at all. I feel this could be dev-time deserving at a later stage, but right now people would kill me if I spend time on details. :-D