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The save system is in place. Please, note that it's (or should be) disabled during cutscenes and conversations.

I've been testing it for a while and all seems to be fine but, as some wise warlord said, "No plan survives contact with the enemy", I'm sure something will be amiss. If not, I'll be VERY surprised. :-D

Also, the Quit button inside the Esc menu, now sends you back to the Main Menu instead of exiting the game.

If all goes well with this version, we'll start working on version 0.1.

Change Log

Enhancements: - Save/Load system added.

- Esc menu Quit button now exits to Main Menu.
- Added an invisible hotspot over main character. Another measure to minimize pathfinding issues and a way for activating her personal actions when they're implemented.

- Main Menu buttons no longer remain on screen after the intro.
- Flagship expansion notice, after first Commander conversation, is shown with filtered background again.

Known issues:
- Pathfinding is not 100% accurate. Troubleshooting with the plugin author.





It looks like there is a bug that keeps the characters at the front like in the talking parts after you finish talking with the captain.


You mean after saving, loading or quitting to the main menu? Or is that something that just happened to you in the first playthrough?


will general scales be back in this game?


i took screen shots of bugs to give more info. where can i send them ?


I shouldn't give you an email over a public post, so the best is that you go to the forum thread and post them there if you don't mind. <a href="https://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&amp;t=7423&amp;sid=60add08fde869b4fe4c4da43c65b3854" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://legendofkrystal.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&amp;t=7423&amp;sid=60add08fde869b4fe4c4da43c65b3854</a> And thank you. ;-)


sure thing, no problem.


are you guys planning on supporting mac as well? because most of the other patrons seem to do so...


I'd like it very much, trust me. But Unity is not allowing me to compile this game for Mac. I'd bet it's due to the many plugins I'm using and them not being compatible or something like that. When I have time I'll try to see if I can troubleshoot each of the errors, but it could take some time and even being impossible, sorry.