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First of all, thank you for your support and patience all these months.

This project has taken more than half a year to reach this point, and that’s far more time we estimated at the start. You know we’ve had problems and needed to start over again. But now that is the past.

However, please don’t expect something epic. This demo is not as long as we would have desired, but we didn’t want to stall it anymore. Take it with a grain of salt as the work will continue as soon as tomorrow.

And about work… you’d be surprised, considering the current duration of the game, that we’ve been spending about 12-14 hours a day with this project for the last month and a half… and that schedule, my friends, must change for our own sanity and well-being, so we will be working on this for 8 hours/day from now on.

We’re still committed to launch feature and content updates monthly, so don’t worry. Making this kind of game in Unity is slower than in other platforms like RPGMaker or Ren’py, but allows us far more flexibility, which will be good in the future for things like mini-games and combat.

Moreover, in this initial phase, we will publish frequent minor updates to address problems and optimize code. Some of them will also include things that you could consider ‘content’, like new clothes and props for the characters and that kind of things. But for those, we cannot compromise to a fixed schedule like ‘weekly’ or ‘every ten days’, ok? ‘Best effort’ are the words that you should keep in mind.

Finally, about this first demo, the most important thing that didn’t make it in time is a working save/load system. I know that sucks greatly, but I really need to research into this as I’m using a lot of plugins that don't necessarily talk well between them. And that goes the same for a ‘Quit to Main Menu’ button. Implementing these will be my priority.

Oh, and of course we want your feedback and bug reports. I’d prefer if you post them in LoK Forums, as I won’t be instantly notified by Patreon, but it’s ok if you don’t want to.

Thank you again and we hope that you have some fun!

LoK Rebirth – Demo version (Windows only)



Yeah, we messed up a little. Kuja is changing the download link as we speak. Sorry. ;-)


mega downloads broken for me


looking pretty good and i really love the animation its so hypnotizing :D and it would be nice if there will be a faster way of getting around


Holy crap! this is really good, animation and all. Really liked how the 2d animations still have a hint of 3d-ness look to them. But could you work on the character movement, I sometimes have to double or triple click in order for Krystal to move, arrow keys or WASD keys shouldn't be hard. I also got lost in the jungle area. But other then that, huge improvement.


All hail the bright blue text! All in all, I really enjoy what ive seen. Ive only play through the dialogue options once, but everything looks and feels great, and I cant wait for more! My only question: Is the shower scene the only viewable sexy scene in the demo? Or is there more? I dont neccessarily want a "This is how you unlock it", but if there are more scenes then Ill have to be sure to reply and choose different choices ;)


If you play "too cool" with the gate keeper, you may miss something. Other than that, yeah, not much sexiness for now... 🙄


pretty damn good, only complaint I have is having to click everywhere to be able to get around. being able to move with the WASD keys would be really good.


I like a lot of what I'm seeing here. The environments are gorgeous, and the music is very good (an important factor in games for me). I'm enjoying being able to investigate my environment, and I imagine more can be clicked on as updates progress. I was particularly fond of the model for Commander Lyan, and I REALLY hope we'll get to see more of her in future updates, as she is both quite intriguing, and attractive. I noticed the options feature is inaccessible, and I imagine this will be opened up in future updates. One thing I think might be helpful is changing the text color of Krystal's (and other important NPCs) speech. I found myself at a couple points losing track of who was talking, and had to look back at their facial expressions to get re-oriented. I played through about 6 times, and only encountered one minor bug. On my first play through, during the transition from talking to the guard at the gate to waiting in the tent with the cage, the backgrounds did not load for several seconds, leaving only Krystal and a light blue background field. It only happened once, and I was unable to duplicate it with subsequent play throughs. The lack of sex scenes is lamentable, but I see this demo as more of a proof of concept and play testing opportunity anyway. All in all, keep up the good work! I'm excited to see where it goes from here!


This is what I was waiting for while watching you guys. I'll give it a try today before I head to bed and if I see what I like I'll put in a pledge. I've been watching since you mentioned the Patreon on the LoK forums, so was waiting for a workable demo, since much of the information is blocked behind the $1 minimum pledge. Thankfully, the demo is public, as such will give it a check and pledge depending on my expectations from here on! Just wanted to let the team know some lurkers like me exist and this is a good step in getting some more pledges and glad to see progress. When I work my way through the demo I'll respond again with any bugs I might see and details on it. Thanks!


A few typos/misspellings but no issues that can't be resolved when patched. The Save/Load features already told to come in and was a core thing that was left behind to push out a demo, understandable, no issue. One thing that bothered me about the dialogue though was the laughter (hi hi and he he) not sure if it was an aesthetic choice for how one or the other laughs in particular, but didn't seem consistent, minor issue. I liked the design of the natives, as I had from the first showing. The movement, IMO, seems a bit stiff with the animations, but minor details as the movement of hair when walking makes me think it will all turn out fine as it progresses though, I like it. Music was good for me, didn't hear any sudden breaks or such when it looped, so good. The Intro Music seemed a bit cluttered to me, but perhaps intentional? It's an artistic choice, so no big problem for me. I admit, the dialogue seemed consistent for the characters, and enjoyed it, though later on with the choices, I hope there are some 'bad ends' for testing your luck too much later on, just for fun. Mechanically, as one said, using arrow keys ow WASD for movement may be another thing to use later, it's fine for now, but should be updated with a demo later on. The Save/Load should be updated with the demo later one, so people can check multiple choices without going through certain parts again. How it is could be a simple demo even when you progress further in game development IMO. You may have it planned for later, but a 'x2' speed button for walking from place to place may be good to have (Not really a run function as the walking is for for aesthetics and doubt she would run everywhere, but just for those impatient of us) along with a quick-travel East-West-North-South will be nice for places already traveled, but that is for later in development. Overall, I see this as promising, though, and you got yourself a pledge for development with this Demo!


I can not take the elevator, is that normal?

Icarus Media

Yay, Demo!!! It's nice to play other creators games, relaxes you and provides motivation. Keep it up. :-)


If you want to go to the tribe, try talking to the Commander and then accessing the elevator panel instead of directly accessing the elevator.


I keep trying to play it and it's saying "The code execution cannot proceed because HID.DLL was not found." I reinstalled it already but it wasn't fixed. Any suggestions?


Hid.dll is supposed to be an external library related to Windows USB drivers, if I'm not mistaken. Here's a couple of articles about this: <a href="https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-fix-hid-dll-not-found-or-missing-errors-2623444" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-fix-hid-dll-not-found-or-missing-errors-2623444</a> <a href="https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-windows_install/hiddll-error-message-on-reboot/22331782-3092-4cd2-9964-876ba1c307b1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_vista-windows_install/hiddll-error-message-on-reboot/22331782-3092-4cd2-9964-876ba1c307b1</a>


it wont even let me open up the download


What's exactly your problem? The .exe file is not working properly or are you having problems unzipping the folder? If it's the last one, make sure you have a software to unzip it!

Blorken Shfeel

This is excellent. Exactly what I was hoping for. Like LoK all grown up. Just found the area to the northeast, giving me an awesome feeling for the future of the game. You guys are definitely on the right track.


Hi guys, summing up all the comments we're very happy to hear that you found the demo to be playable. ;-) I hope to have a save/load system ASAP. I know that will do wonders at easing the pain of restarting again to see all dialogue options. As for the control system, I’ll admit I’m a bit surprised at so many people asking for keyboard control… :-D I’ll take that into consideration, although it’s not going to be in the short list for a while. Thank you!


Just played the demo, definitely excellent. About the trap and the 'slavery path', any info on whats planned for that?


That route will be FAR darker than the current one in development. Non-consent fans will be happy, I think... :-D As for when it'll be ready, I don't know at this point. There's a lot to be done first with the main storyline.