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Well, the basic two-figure composition and rendering is done.  This is
how it came out.

Some bits still bug me a tad, but I think it works well enough now.

I wanted to complete the cover reinterpretation, and will likely do
so, but I kinda liked isolating the participants in a pin-up first.
The logo is going to be kinda obscured by BaalSatyrs figure, and the
original presence of Etrigan in the right may unbalance the
composition and dilute the primary focus.  But, the combined effect
originally was of Diana being overwhelmed by a power demon foe AND in
comes Etrigan as well, as a kinda "too much to take" emphasis.  I
don't know if it can still work in my take or it will seem like
overkill, or diminishment.

So I can go comic cover plus Etrigan, but that means no word balloons
and maybe just a couple caption boxes.

Or I can go comic cover minus Etrigan and add word balloons (like
roughly in the pic now) and a caption box or two.

Or leave the pinup with word balloons?





You can't use a irl calque to save your current progress and make both I guess? I would go with the minus Etrigan and the word balloons if you want to stay in the "takes two to tango" concept. If Etrigan was in the picture, WW would have to somehow focus her attention on both, she seems entirely focus on BaalSatyr as is.


I am thinking of trying to do various versions, using digital insertion of the captions in one, and with abridged inserts in the other and add Etrigan as background threat. Kinda undermines the Two to Tango title, though, as observed, but it can be seen as contextual, and I do like the tension of Diana having to contend with both demons (as in "Torn Between Two...") with their BAD GUY and WORSE GUY dynamics. So I would have three versions, two as faux covers (with and without Etrigan) and also have one with just the two figures as a standolone pinup, perhaps for coloring. It would hit my wallet too hard to try to have the full cover versions colored most likely.