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Kl'rt felt his legs weaken, and looked down, blinking fast,  watching his blond Earthling conquest kneeling before him, Susan Storm  of Earth, the Accursed Four's Invisible Girl, now lovingly worshiping  his Skrull cock, her beautiful mouth and face and upper body and colors  covered with his seed, branded as his, as his property.  Forever.

There could not be a more pleasing sight.

He smiled, contented.

Then there was a single instant of sharp, sudden pain and he felt nothing anymore.


Herbie registered the intrusion alarms from the parts of the defense systems that remained operational.

What could go wrong now?


Her  eyes had been looking up at his, her mouth full of him, when Kl'rt's  head fell off his shoulders, to bounce and roll on the hangar metal  floor.

His body remained upright for a further second before collapsing.

With  a hoarse cry, Susan fell backwards, her wide-struck eyes jumping wildly  from the ackwardly fallen body to its detached head and back again,  struggling to take in the stark reality before her, so at odds with what  she had just experienced, what had just felt, the reality of Kl'rt's  grotesquely unwhole body, limp and motionless but for the lingering  throbbing of the incongrously still erect penis, still hard and rampant,  still so hard and big and glistening wet from the both of them, from  their coupling, their making love.

Her lips quivered  voicelessly.  His seed remained warm on them, and on her face.   Speechless with horror and disbelief, she was unable to close her eyes  or look away as his penis squirted its final spurts of semen, of life.   Of his life.  The life she had sworn to share.  Share with him, with  Kl'rt, her Skrull former foe, then mate, the Skrull lover to whom she  had just surrendered, to whom she had sworn herself, and given herself.   Completely.

Kl'rt.  Who was now dead.  Dead.  Just after he had...  Just after they had...

Like Dorrek.


She  felt faint, dazed by the awful realization.  Was it just a horrible,  absurd coincidence?  That both of them, both of the Skrull foes who  had...  been with her, were now  dead, both shortly after having...   after making her...

It had been so strangely unsettling before,  to think that the hands and mouth and tongue and... more, that had  touched her, extensively, intimately, with such confidence and power and  skill that... despite her distaste and anger and fear, had...  To think  of that as... gone, as no longer able to...  ever again...  It had been  an unnerving mixture of relief and discomfort, yet she had not even  witnessed it, first hand, as she had just witnessed Klrt fall,  decapitated, his tall, strong body made unwhole, all of his virile power  and appeal vanquised before her very eyes, just after she had...

How could that be?

How?  How had...?

"I see you warmed up for me,"  Terrax stated, cosmic axe in hand.



Her  dazed reverie of horror and disbelief and doubt could have lasted only a  few seconds before being shattered by the realization of the new menace  facing her.

Terrax, Herald of Galactus, stood tall before her,  massive in size and bearing, deep-set eyes glinting under the chiseled  grey granite brow.  The wedge-shaped cosmic axe in his hand still smoked  with the faint traces of its recent use.

Caught with her pants  literally down, Sue frantically scrambled backwards, struggling to pull  her lower clothes up, to cover herself before him, before Terrax, Terrax  who had just...

"You-You killed him!"

"That one?"  Terrax glanced dismissively at the SKrull's lifeless shape.  "Was nothing.  Forget about him."

Trembling with rising panic, Sue saw what must be done.

She  lunged clumsily forward, trying to clear her thoughts, to focus her  shaken will enough to summon her invisible force as protective shield  over him, over his body, the body that had just been so close to hers,  and which still held her last hope, their last hope.

But before  Sue could do anything, physically or mentally, the cosmic axe razed over  the fallen Skrull body, in a fiery swath of mighty energies.

"Forget about everything."


Her cry faded hoarsely in her throat, and her eyes clouded.

Only smoking cinders remained of the Super-Skrull's flesh.  Kl'rt's flesh.

But  even through her tears, she still made out amidst the charred remains a  soot-stained metal cylinder, blackened yet somehow miraculously whole,  and she breathed in sharply, wondering whether it could still be  possible, whether there could still be a chance.

"Please,"  she whispered, weakly, almost afraid to hope.

"Yes, beg.  It is fitting.  Because you no longer face he who was called Tyros.  Now you face Terrax.  Terrax the Tamer."

Stepping forward, he crushed the blackened aging-ray bracelet with a stomp of his boot.

"And we have much to settle, woman.  You and I."


The  destructive forces unleashed could have devastated half the planet,  leaving a barren, sterile blight.  Galactus had to channel and shunt  away most of them, through multiple adyacent levels of reality, to spare  the physical existence of the orb called Earth.  He would not let this  world be obliterated and thus deprive him of its life energies.

Yet  just the marginal spillover within the first instant after the  catastrophic impact had been enough to devastate the whole Giza plain as  far as the horizon into a scorched wasteland, and Galactus had to  stagger back, dazed, drained, even his vast power spent by the effort of  saving the Earth.

Before him, unharmed, stood the Sphinx.


Blood drained from her face.  A cold wave of despair ran through her.

The aging-ray bracelet had been the last chance.  For Reed.  For Johnny.  For Ben.  For all of them.

She  had surrendered to Kl'rt for it.  Surrendered her body, her will, her  life,  yielding all of herself to their deadly Skrull foe in order to  save her family.  In order to make everything right again.

But  now that was gone.  The aging-ray bracelet.  And everything she had  dared to hope and want and...  Now nothing could be made right.   Nothing.  Despite all she had done, all she had endured and taken, and  accepted...  And everything more she had been ready to bear...  ready to  embrace, even...

It had all been useless.

She could not find any more strength, or resolve, or hope.

"Reed...  Reed, I am sorry.  I tried to...  I just...  But...  I couldn't...  I couldn't..."

She covered her face with her hands and did not try to hold back her grief anymore.


The Ka stone blazed, a singularity feeding from the flood of redirected energies.

"So even the Devourer of Worlds can make mistakes."


"You thought you would have it easy?"

Sue forced herself to again look up, look up at Terrax, Terrax who had so easily put an end to everything.  Everything.

"You thought I would forget?"

He  was much larger and powerful-looking than Tyros had been, the shadow of  his past self lingering only in the chiseled cut of his cruel features  and the sharp-edged hard wedges framing the back of his head as had his  receded haircut.  All flesh and hair had become grey, weathered granite,  and his impossibly broad chest and thick limbs dwarfed even Kl'rt's  muscular build, yet he moved with a haughty ease far different from the  lumbering motions of Ben's rocky body.

"Forget how you tricked me, woman, tricked me in my very own palace?"

Only  in his eyes, behind the threatening glow of the Power Cosmic, could  Susan recognize the same exact cold greed and disdain that Tyros had.

"Deceived  me with the lure of your comely body and face and hair and eyes to  bring down everything I had built?  Everything I had earned?  Everything  that was rightfully mine?"

She saw his hand wrapped around the shaft of his cosmic axe tremble with his barely-held rage, but what could she do?

Even  Reed had said it, before.  Terrax was a Herald of Galactus.  He wielded  the Power Cosmic.  Even if she could still muster the will or strength  or power she would still be outclassed.

What hope did she have, on her own?  Alone?

Reed  had never replied to her last attempts to contact him, and she feared  the worst.  Ben, Johnny, Rich... had all fallen right here, before her.   Even Kl'rt was gone, now.

The whole Earth may be hopelessly doomed now.  Including her son.  Including Franklin.

Why  had everything gone so wrong?  Why had everyone and everything around  her been doomed?  All who were ever close to her?  Her parents.  Her  friends.  Her family.  Her world.  Even those foes who...

If she could not save anyone, what else was there to do?

"You owe me, woman.  You owe me so much.  And you will pay."

What else was there to fear?

She had no strength left for fear.  Everything had been washed away by hopelessness and defeat.

She looked up, and held his stare.

"What do you want?"

His mouth spread in a wide grin.

"You know."


"You let your guard down."

The Sphinx seized Galactus, physically, mentally, in multiple planes of reality, and Galactus fell to his knees.


"No."  Something slowly woke up inside her, something she had thought broken but which rose again.  "No."

"Yes.  You know what I want.  You know what you owe me.  And you will pay.  Oh, you will."

Was  it that, at the end?  Was the world to end because she had humiliated  this asshole and he could not let that go?  Because he wanted into her  pants and he had to have her?  Was it all her fault, too?  For doing  what she did, for looking as she did?  Because he, too, wanted to fuck  her?  Because it all came to that?  Just that?

"Fuck that," she  muttered, tears streaming down her face.  Rising from the depths of her  grief and frustration and stubborn denial, her invisible power surged  against him.  "And fuck you.  FUCK YOU!"


A  maelstrom of energies swirled about the monumental figures struggling  on the ravaged Egyptian plain.  Tectonic plates shuddered along with  every shift of their physical forms.

"I have the knowledge of the  Living Computers, Devourer.  I know about your power.  You are  sustained by the life energies of planets and nothing else, while my Ka  Stone lets me access all the energies of the universe about us.  As you  spent your strength, I marshaled mine.  As you weakened, I grew  stronger.  And you will not have the chance to replenish yourself.  I  will destroy you alongside this world that birthed me.  Its rubble will  be the monument of your defeat and my victory!"

On his knees, his head lowered, Galactus did not reply.


The impact would have flattened even the Thing, but Terrax merely was forced a few steps backwards.

He smiled, a gesture full of cruel anticipation.  "Good.  You still have spirit in you.  It would be no fun otherwise."

Fighting  the deep ache in her limbs as much as the despondence in her mind,  Susan stood up, tugging fully into place the fabric of her costume.  She  would not give this murderous bastard the satisfaction of seeing more  of her, not any longer.  Not while she could still help it.  And if she  was to fall, she would do it, as she should, fully dressed, as the Susan  Storm of the Fantastic Four.

"Have you forgotten what Galactus said?  He wants us to witness this to the end.  He won't have us-"

"Fuck  that.  Fuck Galactus.  I am no servant.  Others must serve me!  SERVE  ME!"  He moved her, axe held in both hands.  "AS YOU WILL!"

"Not I.  Not ever."

"YOU  WILL SERVE ME AS YOU SHOULD!"  He drew his axe high above his head,  cosmic energies gathering about its blade.  "AS YOU SHOULD HAVE FROM THE  VERY START!"


Rising her right hand before her, she shaped a force-field between them, as strong as she could make it.

Terrax laughed.  "THAT WILL WORK FOR ME, TOO!"

The cosmic axe struck.


"What better way to herald my ascendancy to godhood than with the death of Galactus, the Devourer of Worlds himself?"


Susan gasped with pain.

The defensive force-field held, but Terrax just lifted the axe back again, and brought it down with even greater power.


She  gritted her teeth eyes, eyes closed tightly in concentration.  The  mental feedback was proportional to the magnitude of the impact against  her field.  Pain swelled behind her eyes.

Terrax raised his axe.  "YIELD!"


The impact scattered every object away from them in a wide radius.



The whole hangar space shook with the expansive wave.


Sweat beaded her forehead, and her extended arm trembled.   "NO!  I WON'T!"


Her voice fell to a weak mutter.  The pain barely let her stand.  "No.  No..."

The Cosmic Cosmic crackled around the axe's long blade, glowing like a sun, as Terrax raised it once again.

"Prepare to be- TAMED!"

The axe struck and the force field shattered.


Galactus did not look up, his body trembling with strain in multiple planes of existence.



The  glowing blade rushed through the shattered vestiges of invisible power  and right before Susan's trembling form, in a perfectly straight arch  that cut down right before her face and her trembling torso, down across  the symbol of the circularly enclosed number four, before embedding  itself into the metal floor before her.

For a frightful instant,  Susan felt it had sliced through her chest in a killing blow,  vertically splitting her in two, but there was no pain besides that  flashing cruelly between her temples.  Glancing down, she saw with  surprise that the fabric stretching between her jutting breasts had been  cut, cleanly sliced just in line with her cleavage, sparing the bunched  flesh behind with astonishing accuracy, leaving no mark on her skin.   The opening cut into her top split wide apart,
the Fantastic Four  symbol sundered completely, to reveal her cleavage, her bosom heaving  fast with her recent efforts and nervous tension.

She hastily covered herself, staggering back, knowing how close it had been.

Terrax smiled, dislodging his axe from the floor.  "Will you yield now?"

Susan  pursed her lips.  "Yield?  To you?"  She shook her head.  "Never.  You  may be much mightier now, yes, but you're still just a cowardly thug!"

"FINE!"  With eyes blazing, Terrax drew his axe high over his head.  "HAVE IT YOUR WAY!"

Susan  tried to reshape her field, but the weapon flashed down too fast at  her, too fast to do anything but fall back, fall to the floor, legs  spread as the glowing blade again rushed down, down at her, cutting all  the way into the floor.


"Who  are you to speak, you who were once Galan of Taa?  A refugee from an  universe forgone eons ago?  A remnant that should not be!  The lingering  echo of a cosmos now dead!  Ancient trash that should not have survived  the primordial explosion!  I shall do this universe a favor by cleaning  you from it!"


Struck  voiceless, not daring to even gasp, Susan stared at the massive,  razor-sharp glowing blade whose lower corner was lodged firmly into the  floor right between her spread thighs, as she sat, leaning back on her  elbows, her booted feet stretched out wide, the wedge-shaped blade  angling up towards her over her lower body, the edge brushing with  infinitesimal closeness against her crotch.  The smallest quiver of her  hips made the cloth over her pubis split length-wise under the proximity  of the blade's edge, perfectly cut with impossible precision.

She dare not move.  It was an effort to keep from shuddering wildly.

Squatting  before her, with both hands on the axe's haft, Terrax smiled.   Releasing his grip with one hand, he rose, effortlessly lifting the  massive weapon with the other, drawing it out of the sundered metal  floor like it was intangible, and then moving it up and over Susan's  outstretched form with dangerous closeness, tracing her body's surface,  the lower edge and corner of the blade almost brushing her tense lower  body.  She did not feel any contact, yet the fabric of unstable  molecules split apart silently in the axe's wake.

Susan could  just watch, nervously holding her breath each time the axe moved over  her, as Terrax slid the axe over her, again and again, over her torso  and limbs, over her hips and breasts, a slow dance of threatened death,  under which her costume gradually fell away in perfectly cut strips,  exposing her flesh more and more, until she was fully exposed but for  her boots and gloves, her nude body sitting at the center of a  mandala-like pattern of multiple strip strewn all about her, like a  luxury item unwrapped for his consideration.

In a final move,  Terrax threw the axe away with an insouciant gesture, and it landed by  Susan's head, cutting away into the floor, its long haft extending over  her neck, the lower edge embedded in the floor mere inches away.

Susan gasped, but not at the proximity of the murderous weapon.

Terrax had drawn aside the hanging strip of his loincloth.



The Ka stone blazed even brighter.

"I know I will."


"You knew.  As I knew.  From the start.  Back in my palace.  In my rooms.  We both did."

She  shook her head, under the shadow of his looming shape and the axe's  shaft, so long and thick over her, just like that other.  "No.  No."

"Knew what would happen.  What had to happen.  What you needed to happen.  Needed, and wanted."


"Your  words never fooled me.  Not then, not now.  From the way you stood, and  moved, even as you retreated before me, protesting, trying to fight it,  to fight me, your body still spoke clearly, of your needs, of your  longing, of your lust."


"You are a hot one.  I knew that.  A hot slut who needed to be taken and tamed, and I was the one who would do it."

She felt him, hard as rock, bigger than she could ever imagine, pressing at her gate, impossible to resist.


"Now let you be tamed as you should!"


He  had been big, as Tyros.  Very big.  Sue would have been extremely  impressed, or startled, or even frightened by his size  at any other  time, back before she had known Kl'rt or Dorrek.  Thus, at his palace,  in his quarters, she had been able to shrug off his attempt to show off  his considerable endowment.  She had known much bigger.

But as Terrax, he had been enhanced not just in strength and power, and he wasted no time in making her know how much.

She cried out in pain as he entered her, too big not to hurt, too big not to scream.

She screamed and screamed.  Louder and louder.



"Shut up, Devourer.  You will soon know nothing at all!"


"It will do you no good to-"


"Knowledge and power shall prove enough!"




"What pathetic ramblings!  What need would I have of such low, base-?"

Galactus looked up, his eyes ablaze.  "BE TAUGHT, THEN."




Editing the above took me several times the time it had originally taken to write, but I think I have to let it go as it is now. Changed it to be faster, more focused, and have the action more engaging, I hope. The next update will likely wrap things up.


Oh, I understand the temptation to keep polishing, and tweaking... I do like the results. Suitably epic. Looking forward to the conclusion.


And I still tweaked it even further. I was asked to give more detail on the sex build up and hey, there are far worse things I could do, so... I expect to post the edits and additional material tomorrow I hope.