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The Avengers Quinjets flew past Gibraltar, followed by a modified SR-150 Blackbird.  Squads of Saudi and US fighter planes escorted them.

Janet VanDyne turned away from the side window to lean on the back of the pilot's chair.  "We could've used Goldilocks, too."

"I'm afraid even Thor and all his Norse gang would not be enough.  Not this time."

"Will anyone attempt a nuclear strike?"

"Once things look bad enough?  Yes.  The whole world is at Defcon One."

"So what's the plan, Shellhead?"

"For now, we land just past the Sudan border and wait."

"That's it?"

Tony Stark breathed deeply inside his gold-red armor.  He could use a drink.  "Reed Richards told us to wait.  So we wait."



Tears streaked Susan's face.

"I'll go with you.  Just like you asked me to.  Just save my family first.  Use the bracelet and save their lives.  Do it now.  Please!"

The Super-Skrull's whole body still trembled as he rose up to a knee.

"How-How can I trust-?"

"You have my word!  Please, there's not much time left-"

"A-An Earthling's w-word."

"I swear I will!  I'll leave my family, I'll leave Earth, and go away with you, but you must save them first!"

"What if they try to fight after-?"


She covered her face in desperation.  After a deep breath, she lowered her hands and spoke with careful, sedate tones.

"Please.  There is no time.  Save them now, and I swear I'll do everything you ask of me.  I'll go live with you.  I'll be your lover, your mate, whatever you want me to be.  But please, please, save them NOW."

He grimaced.  "You would say any lie now to-"

"NO!"  She stood up, rubbing her eyes.  "You want proof?  You want assurance that I'll do as I swear?"

"What proof-?"

"We start right now."  She brushed the hair off her face and stared into his reddened eyes, her lips trembling.  "I'll be yours.  Freely.  Here.  Now.  I'll fuck you.  Right now.  Right here.  Any way you want."


Could Richards have forgotten to record his plan?

Did he actually ever have a plan?




"The time's-"

"Yes, time IS running out.  So we fuck right away.  Hard and fast.  I'll give myself to you.  Willingly.  Any way you want me to.  In my sex, my ass, my mouth...  You fuck me and I'll fuck you back, faster and harder and better than you ever dreamed. Holding nothing back.  And you will know then.  Know that I'll be yours from then on.  Really yours.  Without any doubt about it.  I will be your mate, your slut, whatever you want me to be.  But you'll save my family."

The Super-Skrull frowned, rising to his feet.  "It means risking-"

"Now you're worried about risk?  What, are you afraid you can't make me come fast enough?"

He grimaced, rubbing his forehead.  "It's not-"

"Oh, please!  Weren't you the brave and mighty Skrull conqueror who would take me and own me and make me his forever?  Now you are too scared to have a quickie?   Scared  that your big fat Skrull cock won't be enough to pound my Earthling cunt into submission?  Not fast enough for safety?  Really?  REALLY?"

He stared at her flushed face, so beautiful in her state of anxiety, at her equally delicious body, trembling so fetchingly before him.  Her insolent challenge made him even more hungry for her.

"Will you beg me?"


Some signs that could be discounted as the eccentric behavior of someone of such extraordinary intelligence could also be interpreted as indicators of growing senility.  There was a significant probability that Richards' vaunted mind could have ultimately failed him,

and everyone on Earth, just when it was needed the most.

"Fuck,"  Herbie stated out loud.  

He may need now to get the fuck away from this planet as fast as possible.



He straightened to his full height, looking down at her, at all of her, at her bright blue eyes, their tears streaming down that beautiful face, framed by the disheveled curtains of long golden hair, at how her body trembled, her bosom most of all, the hated symbol of the Damned Four centered on its rounded, bouncy volume.

"Fine.  We have a deal."

She breathed out with relief and began to pull her top up.

"I swear if you don't do your part afterwards I'll kill you as painfully as I-"



"Do not take it off."

He looked from her face to her heaving chest.  Then he drew down his waistband and pulled out his stiffening phallus, letting its heavy mass drop right onto her chest, its weight making an indentation on the top's stretched fabric, the thick-veined rod of dark-green Skrull flesh stiffly centered on the Fantastic Four symbol emblazoned there.

"I want you as everything you are."


The just-refurbished pyramids hovering in the air shattered into gravel and dust.

The waters of the Nile rose into the air in whirlwinds of raging steam.

The earth shuddered all the way through its crust.

The desert sand had fused into glass beneath the feet of the two impassive colossal figures.

"We are too evenly matched, Devourer.  Surely you can see that.  Leave this planet to me, and find worlds of your own."

The mind of Galactus took on an aspect that would physically equate a smile.

"You believed the fight had started already?"


Susan shivered, startled by the daunting sight and weight of the enormous Skrull member dropped right under her face, right on her chest, so big and thick and alien-looking with its dark green color and the ugly corrugations on the lower edge of the bulbous glans.

So big.  Bigger even than she had remembered it to be.  So much bigger.

Her hands trembled as they reached for the rigid shaft, flinching at its touch even through her gloves.  Marshalling her resolve, she firmly pressed it in place between her bunched-together breasts, arching her torso forward and leaning down, opening her trembling lips.

Her tears continued to stream as she took the now fully swollen Skrull cock-head into her mouth.


At his private office in a secluded estate at Westchester Country, New York, a wheelchair-bound man struggled in silence, hands gripping his armrests, eyes closed tight in concentration.  The massive psi-feedback throughout the mental aether from the events in far away Egypt would have shattered the minds of countless psi-sensitives all over the world, mutant or otherwise, without Charles Xavier's efforts to contain the backlash of violent psychic echoes.

At the relatively nearby Greenwich Village, Doctor Stephen Strange sat in lotus position, using his arcane arts to do a similar containment within the more recondite aspects of the astral plane.

Yet these were merely symptoms.  The real cause was beyond any of them.  Maybe beyond anyone on Earth.


Her lips first closed behind the corrugated glans edge with difficulty, and struggled to take more of it, the thick shaft sliding past her saliva-coated lips, the massive head rubbing over her tongue on its way to the back of her throat.

She fought the urge to gag, and squeezed harder on his shaft, pressing its base tighter against her chest, to better control how much of him she was taking into her mouth, and began to bob her head back and forth, slowly at first, then more urgently, with quickly growing intensity, working his length with her lips and tongue and mouth as well as she could.

Unwieldy as fellating such an oversized penis was, she had to make it work, and make it work fast.  Every second mattered. She had get him to finish as quickly as she could, for the sake of the others.  For the sake of the world.

Then...  Then it would be another thing, but now she had to get him off so he would save her family.  That was all that mattered.  Not the shame and anger, not the apprehension at all that may come later.  That did not matter.  Not now.  Not now.

She just had to focus on this, on doing this, on sucking and licking this oversized alien cock until it was over as quickly as she could make it happen.

If she did not pass out first, choked out, her throat too full with him to breathe.

How could he be so big?  So thick?  What if her jaw cramped first?  It was so hard.  He was so hard.

And his taste...

His taste filled her awareness more and more, just as her mouth was physically full of him, stuffed with his thick, hot mass.

His taste.  The taste of a Skrull's cock.  So strong and musky and... alien.

She had not tasted any other penis but Reed's since being married.  And now she was tasting an alien's cock.  A Skrull's cock.  The Super-Skrull's cock.  Kl'rt's cock.

She had already experienced the unnerving taste of a Skrull's mouth, a Skrull's kiss, first with Dorrek, then with Kl'rt.  But this was so much different.  Intense as the kissing had been, it was no this.  Not the taste of a Skrull penis, a hard, hot Skrull cock.  A taste she would have never imagined she'd ever...

Because she hadn't, had she?  Even in those dark, disturbing recent dreams?  She couldn't have thought about this, wondered about this, about having a Skrull cock in her mouth like this?  Kl'rt's cock?  Dorrek's cock?  Surely she couldn't have...?

Flustered, she pulled her wandering hand away from her lower body, bringing it up again to grasp Kl'rt's quivering shaft, to help her massage and rub it while she blew him with renewed desperation, her mouth working him with fast, sloppy slurps.

She had to put an end to this.  How could he last so long?

She pulled back until only the very end of his swollen head remained heavy against her wet, trembling lower lip, gasping briefly for breath, before lunging forward.


He groaned loudly as she deep-throated him even deeper, her spread lips coming closer to the base of his member than ever before.  His hands grabbed her disheveled golden hair, pulling her to him, until her chest pressed against his thighs, rubbing against him with her rocking motions.

"Yes, like that.  Worship that cock, woman.  As you should.  As you must."


Her hands tentatively held onto his thick upper legs for balance, nervously wary of reaching too far back past his hips, loath to grab his bulging muscular buttocks.

Her anger rose as much as her frantic working on him did.

Anger at him, at the situation, at the threats that had forced her into this.  And anger at herself.

She did not want this.  She hated having to do this.  She hated everything it meant.  Now, and in the larger picture.

Yet she felt angry at not hating it even more.  At being relieved that she could handle even his size.  At how she did not find it as awful as she feared she would, as she wished she would.  Because she wanted to.  She really did.  Wanted to hate his cock in her mouth as much as she hated him and everything he had done and everything he meant.

She did not want to enjoy this.  She did not want to find it exciting.  She did not.  Not any of this.


He clenched his teeth.  Her mouth, her lips and tongue... It was almost too much to endure.


He felt him begin to throb in her mouth and she tensed.  Would he come in her mouth?  Should he?  Should she ready for it?

To taste his semen?  His alien, Skrull semen.  

He had already filled her with his seed once, elsewhere, to her shame, how much worse could it be to have to taste it?  Swallow it?   How would...?

He roughly pushed her head back and his throbbing cock exited her quivering, wet lips, plentiful saliva trailing in its exit.

"No.  Not like this."

His member trembled before her face, huge and stiff, so close still to her, to her open lips, trembling with her labored gasps as she sought to caught her breath.  Her whole body joined in with the trembling.  

She had swallowed all THAT?

"You must give me more than just this."

"Fine."  His taste had not left her mouth as his cock had.  Not at all.  Would it ever?  How could it?  "Let's fuck then.  Let's get this over.  Let's fuck like the world's about to end, because it is."



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