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Ok, this was a sequence which I kinda did not want to be shown around
for a long while after it became the subject of scrutiny at a general
comics discussion list.  After the uncomfortable exposure I became
concerned that the controversial elements on obvious display would be a negative
contribution on my part to the problematic ambiance on comics
regarding sex and gender and all that, which in many ways remains a
hot issue even now.

I was also by then moving away in my art and writing away from very
hard NC scenarios.

So I asked for it to not be shared elsewhere outside the closer
friends in my mailing list.

But fanart of all proclivities has exploded by now all over the web.
Back then I was kinda one of very few lone perverts exposing his kinks
in such an elaborate and obsessive fashion, but now much better
artists than me routinely create complex and very widely exposed
artwork with such sexual kinks and more for all interested parties to
enjoy or others to condemn as they see fit.

And really, while I almost destroyed these at one point, it remains
perhaps some of the best artwork I did at the time, or maybe even ever
did, and the only scans were kinda poor ones done before I even had a
computer of my own.  So I think they do deserve to be seen in better
fashion, even if unfortunately the paper has yellowed and the linework

But at least these survived the fire/water-damage of a while back.  So
here are new, hopefully  better scans.

The writing in the word/thought balloons is crude and embarrassing and
not in line with the exact way I characterize WW now in my comics and
stories, but it would be dishonest of me to try to blank the words



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