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So I had been looking at also doing a finished version of the other
scenes in the Morgainne story.

And I tightened up a bit one of the older sketches.  An alternate
version of ones I have posted before.

I planned to add some dialogue, something like...

"You may have proved yourself even more powerful than Etrigan,
Baal-Satyr.  And you may have  bested me, once.  When you kidnapped
my friend Helena.  When you tried to rape me.

But even if you did... come closer to succeeding than most other
foes I have faced...

You still remain an ugly, evil, hateful monster. And you should only disgust me.  And you do.  You do disgust me.

And even if you do have some crude and beastly impressive attributes...

I truly should not feel attracted to you.  Physically.  Or in any way.  At all.

I truly should not.

I am an Amazon Princess.  Champion of Themyscira.

I should not feel...  drawn to a hideous, hairy demonic fiend like you.

And if you were to attempt to rape me again.  Here.  Now.  I would resist you with all my power.  I would fight back with all my skill and strength, demon.  I'd not make it easy for you.  Even if you manage to best me again, to overpower me and force your monstrous, oversized demonic phallus again into me, I swear I will fight it, and fight you, every inch of
the way, no matter how long and hard and deep and well you fuck me."



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