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So to decide upon who to add as third participant in the new version of this sketch
vote on any of the following options.  

You can pick more than one.



Sorry that I had to abort the previous version and reupload it. I forgot to add that you could vote for more than one choice if you want to. And to add Lobo. Cannot forget the Main Man.


Feel free to add as a comment any non-listed character as a write-in, too.


If there is an enthusiastic enough response to this I may end up drawing the runner-up choice, too, as I did sometimes with past polls.


Gorilla Grodd would be great.


I think Kripto already had his turn. It would be Great to see Diana with Gorilla Grodd or Lobo. Doctor Light might be a good idea too.


Well, looks like despite offlist votes, Krypto still took top spot, so Krypto it is. BUT as I mentioned in the parallel mailing list, I will draw the closest runner-up as well, so that means Gorilla Grodd is going to get some, too.