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So for those who do not follow the ramblings at the parallel mailing list,  a week and a half ago there was a fire at my workplace at a storage room right next  to my desk and dousing the fire resulted in flooding much of the place.  

Since  I had been forced to give up having a home office space I had taken  most of my bags and boxes full of years of artwork and  crammed them Into a corner of workspace.

So they all got wet.  My sketchbooks.  Most of my older comic sequences.  About twenty years of my best stuff. 

Only  the latest stuff being worked on or done recently that was in  the shoulder bag I take with me was spared, or the much older and less finished  stuff that was stuffed elsewhere because I did not mean to do further  finishes on it on a short notice.

A great mess, sadly.

Tried to salvage as much as I could but still had to throw away a stack of loose pages of sketches about two inches thick.  The loose bond copy-paper letter sized pages were the most affected because of  how thin the paper was and how easily it warped when drying out. The warping  made it look like I had drawn on Pringles chips.

The BaalSatyr comix and all  the Krypto comic pages with Diana, Karen, Kory, Cassie...  All have warped and stained corners now.

A lot of that stuff had been scanned before, thankfully.    But that doesn't make it less painful to see all having warped and stained  corners.  Those were kinda my magnum opus until recently.

And I HAD been meaning recently to tighten their pencils into the sort of  rendered finish I am doing currently, in order to have better scans that can be colored properly.  I don't know if that will be possible  now.  When I take pics the paper warping and stains  do not show much  but they show up horribly in the scanning, which tends to bring out  any shade in the page into greater contrast.

Maybe I could print faint copies from the older scans and try to work  over that, but that will mean a LOT more work than tightening the  originals would have been.

This has kept me pretty depressed all the past week and a half.  As if I was not already whiny enough without all this happening. 



I'm so sorry for you. I guess I'm glad it did survive in some form, but that's just awful. Please take your time to deal with this, and I hope there'll be some windfalls your way as well. 😣


If there is an enthusiastic enough response to this I may end up drawing the runner-up choice, too, as I did sometimes with past polls.