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This may be one the hardest pages to finish I have ever done.  I nearly broke thru the paper erasing and redrawing and erasing and redrawing again and again, trying to get the composition right.  Notice I changed the very end of the first half.  Yet I failed to do the close up angle I wanted because there was not enough space and the existing word balloons that could not be erased away completely unbalanced the space.  I wanted to emphasize Sue's deliberate provocation of Kl'rt by going to a close up of her eyes from a very upper looking-down angle, yet it did not work and I just settled for making the eyes look human at the least.  Limp result, I know, and I am sorry for it.  But I could not keep at it longer for just one panel so I let it go.  The next half was a bit worrisome with the slap as I wanted to make it look violent yet not lose the eroticism.  I rather liked how it came out at the end.

Now I can at last move on to finish the following pages!




For a while I even drew his hand during the backhand slap as taking on the Thing's hide texture but that would have been too much for Sue to take without being hurt seriously.


Thank you


This looks so damn good. I like how he has her body pressed up against his in the first panel, and Sue's ass just looks great there. I love Sue's face in the fourth panel where they are looking at each-other, face to face. And I love how Super Skrull is grabbing Susan's boob in the last two panels. You really need to continue this and show the part where they get to the sex.