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Hey all you awesome people,

I've been hesitant to write this in the fear that this will make some of you leave, but at the same time I'm so excited for this bit of news.

Me and the owner of Nacht have split ways! So what's that mean for Evey? Believe me I've been spending hours trying to solve this riddle - AND I'VE FINALLY SOLVED IT.

We can talk about continuity in comics all we like, and this will definitely be one that goes down in the books. However, Evey simply cannot live in a world without Nacht. I created Nacht specifically for Evey, and I'm still so damn proud of her design; unfortunately I wasn't able to buy her back. With that in mind, I've been literally redesigning Evey's background so she could fit into this universe that I've been fiddling around with the past 7 years.

The simple version : The new story going forward is completely new. The Evey in this story is completely new - although you may see easter eggs here and there from her previous universe.

I'm incredibly excited and nervous to start this new project and I hope y'all stick around for it! My plan is to get this in print and start working the comic circuit again and stick it to all the comic companies that have turned me down. *coughs* dark horse *coughs*

So kick back and prepare yourselves 'cause this train ain't stopping.

Have an audience cookie as well : Evey's entering a world where Demons, Werewolves and Vampires are the norm. For instance, an incubus is actually a sexual therapist. Good shit.

With Love,




This sounds like it will be hella fun yo


Don't worry Twee! WE BELIEVE IN YOU!