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Hi Patrons~

Today I'm going to show you the progress of the SSBU Zelda's crown stone!

I sculpted the stone with clay to make the mold but I could not do a hexagon at all, so I had the idea of making it with cardboard to get a perfect silicone mold, and I WAS RIGHT!!

After many hours of sanding, I varnished it and painted with nail polish!




Você faz olhos tipo galáxia por encomenda? Queria fazer uns olhos pr uns pelúcias com olhos diferentes no ano que vem *O* acho lindo seu trabalho com resina!!!! <3


aaah faço sim Witchiko!! É só escolher o modelo que vc quer de fundo como gato, dragão, etc que dá pra fazer sim! <3


Hey Layze how do I ask for which pattern I'd like to have? :)


I do not receive messages in the chat, please, send me by email! ^_^ layzemichelle@gmail.com


hey lazye may I ask how did you manage to achieve the hexagon shape?