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Today I'm going to post something different that I had the idea to start sharing with you, the list of materials and details so you can get an idea of

prices and sizes!!  
**I know that's values don't matter since I'm from another country, but it's good that you have an idea of how much I spend on average! XD  

Soo starting with the piranha plant bouquet.
I got:  
● 4 balls of solid Styrofoam size 125mm: US$2,76 each package with the pair.
●  250ml red color acrilex matte paint: U$3,07.
●  1kg fox clay biscuit:  US$2,99.
●  2 Lily style flower clusters: US$3,22 each with 3 flowers.

-  What I have here and I'm going to use:
● Green glossy acrylic paint: US$0,89.
● White glossy acrylic paint: US$0,89.
●  4mm E.V.A foam: --
● Pink velvet fabric scraps: --
And that's it, calculating more or less it came out around US$25,00 only the bouquet materials! 

● 4 bolas de isopor maciça tamanhno 125mm:  R$9,00 cada pacote com par.
● 1 Tinta fosca de 250ml da marca acrilex cor vermelho vivo: R$ 10,00.
● Massa biscuit de 1kg da marca fox: R$9,75.
● 2 cachos de flores estilo lírio: R$10,50 cada como 3 flores.

O que eu tenho aqui e vou usar:
● Tinta acrílica brilhante verde:  R$2,90.
● Tinta acrílica brilhante branca: R$2,90.
● E.V.A de 4mm: --
● Retalho de tecido vel rosa: --
E é isso, calculando por cima saiu em torno de R$80,00. todo o material só do buque!
(Odeio morar no brasil essas horas, olha o preço disso T3T)




Quero muito ver o resultado !!