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I'd like to know why you dont interact with me in the posts I make, sometimes it makes me think if I'm doing a good job or not...😰

Today I finished passing the draft of the central tabard from Zelda to the E.V.A foam and before this day ends I intend to get to the stage of sanding before the coating!! 😊💕




I can't wait to see it finished! It looks tricky to make


I do not comment very often on posts in general but I will say you are a big inspiration and help me continue to try and pursue my own cosplay. I just feel I don't have much to add to the conversation all that often. I think you are doing a very good job!


I am horrible at commenting in general, on everything or anywhere. But you are definetly doing an awsome job.


I must also add that you are a huge inspiration to me, and these patterns, tutorials and various WIPs are very helpful.


What did you coat the belt with???