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I just finished getting my lips done a second ago and they are so freaking swollen 😩😩😩 I think once they heal, and the swelling goes down, I will be very happy with them, but I know some of you love to see them when they’re crazy looking 😂😘




✨ This is an amazing gift not only for yourself, but also for us! you look amazing as always


I don't think I could do that lol


Thats why I stay a ugly bodybuilder bun😉


Actually that is a decent size, they look more plump but not insane

Dave B

Wooooow. Love it!

Phillip Zanders

I thought yiu lips were fine before to be honest.

Sarah Miller

Don’t worry, I got them mostly to even out asymmetry, not really to add a ton of volume, so they’re just super swollen from being poked a lot right now! 😩

Phillip Zanders

Your not all drolly are you? Cause that would be funny. Well for us probably not you.

Sarah Miller

They numb you so it feels like you have bel palsy and can’t move your face normally for a couple hours 😂 reminded me of the same feeling I had after my root canal, like not being able to smile or speak properly because your face won’t move right 😂 Luckily that means I didn’t feel the pokes at all. But even if you can’t feel it, the skin trauma from being poked causes initial swelling. It’ll take about 2-3 days for the swelling to go down and a week or 2 to fully heal. Afterwards I guess your lips might feel a little firmer but nothing crazy.

Sarah Miller

Hahahaha, no drooling but I spilled my coffee all over myself because I couldn’t feel my mouth 😂😂

Hang Down

Thank-you for the insight. Always been curious about how things like lip injections or implants feel for the recipient. It's not something I will ever experience so thank-you for satiating my curiosity.