Character Portraits - Rashida (Patreon)
What can you say about Rashida? She is a woman who is conflicted. On the one hand, it is pretty obvious she loves sex. On the other, she feels shame about it.
Her model was a very specific adventure in getting just the look I wanted. I do not remember everything about it now, but I do remember spending $200 in the Daz store to get some assets to create her and her wardrobe. As with most new characters since Chapter 6, her model has no massive issues. The biggest problem is her gigantic ass when fitting clothing.
As for her personality, as you saw in Chapter 9, there is more to her than a shy and awkward woman who is always ready to please you in a very special way. If you are a fan of Rashida, I can assure you that Chapters 10 and 11 will be to your liking. You get to find out quite a bit about Rashida, including her very close (not romantic) connection to another character in our story. If you were hoping she would head back to Egypt soon, you will be sorely disappointed.
Rashida and Dinah should join a support group for shy and awkward hot women. I am not sure they have anything else in common, but they do have that. Maybe Flora can help them. Rashida has been a very much in the background character, but she will take center stage for a bit here very soon. We need to find out more about her, as well as see her interact with other people in the palace (besides Valentina). Just find something to do with her other than play board games. It probably scarred her brother for life. You don't need that hassle.
One challenge with Rashida is figuring out where to use her. She does not naturally fit in a lot of the story…yet. Because I am avoiding spoilers, that is all I can say. She is new to our story, but we have a lot of runway with her. It's always a difficult challenge getting everyone some screen time. There are a few that just easily insert themselves regularly (looking at you, Marius). Then there are others, like Rashida, who I have to make sure to write scenes for. Thankfully for Rashida and her fans, that is soon about to change. In the immortal words of Powerman 5000, "This is what it's like when worlds collide."