Dev Update #42 (Patreon)
I feel like these dev updates keep starting with some note of the latest issue in my life. I'd love to go back to where these were just me rambling about the game while the rest of you skimmed and moved on. Alas, coming back from the in-laws after Christmas, we were in a car accident. Not my fault, but still some minor injuries and decent damage to the car. Neck and back pain from the accident, plus a car I just paid off I'm now waiting to see if it is totaled (declared a loss). It's been seven days on the phone with insurance companies, doctors' appointments, frantic rescheduling of some things, and popping ibuprofen every 4 hours. Just when I was getting over my illness…
Anyway, I did actually take some time off during the holidays, though feeling like death for a few days helped there. Also did some Daz library re-org from my laptop, and that has already paid dividends. Other than that, it has been finishing up the script for TBaK, and copious amounts of editing. I probably should bold that last sentence so it is easy to find when the beta team asks me whether I even bothered to re-read my script because they've found a ton of errors.
I hope you all enjoyed the special holiday wallpapers. I was feeling a bit of inspiration, and they were easy to do. Finished them just before that car accident too. Our special render poll ends tonight, though it appears the winner is clear there. Will be a fun one to do!
I'm getting this dev update out early as I'm going to meet a rescue dog this afternoon. We will see if we bring her home soon. Dev updates are resuming weekly now, so I'll see you all next week!