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Hello Constellation patrons! 

Almost all the letters have gone out now and we were just wondering if you all received them ok? A kind patron informed us that the postage may not have been enough, so we want to make sure they come in and that you don't have to pay any extra. International cards may take quite some time to arrive, but addresses in the USA should have come in or will come in very soon. 

If you are in the US and haven't received the cards by next week, please send us a DM! Also, if you are or were a Constellation patron and are missing any sets since you joined, please let us know so we can send you a replacement!

Thanks so much and we're so sorry if we caused any trouble!




I got the Dec-Jan sticker set today(4th June) with the postcards and I live in Finland!have not gotten the others yet. should they have been all in the same envelope? or is the feb-march set coming on their own.


Oh good! So glad those came in! 💖 the Feb/March ones should be coming in soon! They were sent a couple days after :3 but let us know if they don’t come in in the next week or so!


Thank u!❤️ I hope the next one will get here without problems :3 you are so kind to send me new one❤️🥰