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Yay! We have another chapter factoid for you all! While it's not as info packed as the last chapter, there are still quite a lot of interesting tidbits and parallels as this arc builds to an emotional climax. 

I'm planning on doing another factoid to cover some of the stuff in the first 4 chapters since we didn't get a chance to really delve into them. So look out for that soon! :D✨✨✨

Thank you everyone for your well wishes for Jen! She's been feeling a lot better these past 3 days, so the rest seems to be helping! :)




These are my favorite!! I love hearing about all the little details that go into this because they always blow my mind!!!


Sesamus Octavia! I love them. It's all so beautifully planned. And the way you draw hands is gorgeous. Do you already know the final number of chapters for the story, or do you wait to see what seems right?


Ahhhh so glad you like these Maurissa!! 😊💖💕 It's really fun for us to think up this stuff so it makes us happy that you enjoy reading about them too!


Ahhhh so glad you like them Mildred! hehe! 😆💖💕We're not exactly sure how many chapters the full story will be but we think the main story will be 5-9 volumes split up into 3 arcs. But we also have important content after the main story, sooo... we do have a plan, and we've written most of the first draft, we're just not sure how long everything is haha. XD