Patreon Credit Card Payments (Patreon)
Hello everyone!
It looks like Patreon is having some issues with credit cards this month. We've had a very unusual amount of declines and it may be because Patreon is having issues with credit cards. If you feel this might be the case, make sure to check and see if your pledge went through, especially if you're using a credit card. We've heard that some payments are being labeled as fraud so if it doesn't go through you might want to check with your bank, they may be incorrectly labeling it. Unfortunately Patreon won't let anyone view new posts if the payment doesn't go through and we would hate for anyone to miss out this month 😣
Uggg we're so sorry about this inconvenience! We hope they resolve the issue on their end soon, but if you have the option, switching to paypal may be a quick fix. We're so sorry again! You all are so awesome and don't deserve this kind of stress! ;_; ❤❤❤
❤ KaiJu