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1. We are setting up MEGA folders that contain all of our past works and correspond to different pledging levels, the links will be released in this month.

2. We find it's hard to release our works before every-month deadline(the last day of the month). I mean, it's hard to keep this releasing schedule regular and unalterable, because we always encounter various unexpected problems(mostly technical issues, which only will emerge when you do it) during the animation process and need extra time to solve them. We need more flexibility in the release time. 

Therefore, we decided to extend the release period of monthly rewards to the 15th of next month. For example, the works planned to be produced in November will be released by December 15th at the latest. In this way, we can avoid rushing to finish the tasks.

3. Cross-monthly works will also be uploaded to the above MEGA folders when they are released. In this way, as long as you save the MEGA links, even if you cancel the pledging next month, you can also get the rewards of that month by visiting MEGA.  

For example, if you decide to cancel your pledging in December, and you write down the MEGA links before canceling, then in December, you can still get the November rewards by visiting MEGA.

The most important significance of this change is that we can flexibly delay or adjust the release time of works according to the actual needs, without being limited by the pressure of releasing works at the end of each month, so as to maximize the quality of our works. 

At the same time, it also guarantees the rights and interests of the plan-to-quit patrons.

4. Only works released across months will be uploaded to MEGA. For example, if the works planned in December are released within December, they will only be released here and will not be uploaded to Mega; If it is released in January, it will be uploaded to MEGA. Of course, all the works will be uploaded to MEGA two months after their release, so as to facilitate the new patrons to download them.

We will change MEGA links every month, and the change time will depend on the release time of the works. We will change the links only if we confirm that there is no delay of any works.

5. The title picture is the Diaochan model that we are making. We have spent a lot of time refining and perfecting it, and it will be the new model of next month(adding to the animated models vote in Dec.), and the next ballot about the new model will be cancelled.

Happy Thanksgiving.


2、一直以來我們都覺得每個月都要按時發佈作品比較困難,我 意思是,很難一直保持這樣的固定不變的發佈期限(每個月最後一天內發佈當月作品)。因為在製作過程中,我們會遇到各種各樣的意外(主要是技術方面的問題,你不去做就不會知道,只有做了才會遇到),就需要花費額外的時間來去解決,所以,我們需要在發佈日期上擁有更多的靈活性。













No problem - the new model looks also nice. But I also hope for a hot Aerith model and animation.