Music for Rollin' Rascal! (Patreon)
Hello everyone! For the past few months now, I've had the honor of joining the team of the high-speed platformer Rollin' Rascal, to create its music and sound effects! As the Kickstarter campaign for the game begins on February 6th, this week I'd like to share some of the music I've made for it so far, via this YouTube playlist, which will update with more tracks soon! I was even able to sneak some adaptivity these tunes: maintaining high speeds in the game's stages will add an extra thrilling layer to the music!
I also created the visualizer you'll see in these videos with Blender, using a combination of Animation Nodes to display the MIDI notes, and a plugin called Bizualizer to create the frequency spectrum ring. Animating music displays like this is quickly becoming one of my favorite things to do in Blender!