Early Video Screening - Creating the Chill World of Here Comes Niko! (feat. Stijn van Wakeren & Melissa Kragten) (Patreon)
Hello everyone! The next What I Love video is complete, and I'm excited to share it with you! This time, I got the chance to interview Stijn van Wakeren and Melissa Kragten, my friends and two game designers of the indie game Here Comes Niko! We talk about the process of creating a wholesome, chill game world, gameplay tailored for an audience, and creating a rich soundscape when you're already wearing a game designer hat! You can watch the video at this Google Drive link, before it goes up publicly!
Here are the links that will appear in the video's description:
Frog Vibes Twitter: @HereComesNiko
Discord: https://discord.gg/ajcfuZ7
Here Comes Niko! Website: https://herecomesniko.com/