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Hello! Today I'm sharing the arrangement on which you voted earlier this month: Lavender Town from Pokémon Red and Blue! I also had it transition into the theme for Lavender Town's signature feature: the Pokémon Tower!

Creating this was a fun challenge. The moods presented here aren't the ones my arrangements usually bring out. Lavender Town and its music are creepily off-kilter, but even more than that, I find them melancholic. They're mourning passed Pokémon as well as encountering the ghosts of Pokémon. So, in this arrangement I went for equal parts wistful and spooky, combining some elements often associated with memorials, such as church bells, and later in the piece, a Javanese gamelan ensemble. I played in one before (I played the bonang panerus!), and the music is very lyrical and spiritual. These melodies lent themselves to the style, I felt.

You'll also hear some Pokémon calls throughout the piece! They help tie together a little musical narrative, which I always love crafting in these arrangements. In the Pokémon Tower portion of the piece, it focuses in on poor little Cubone, but with perhaps a little hopeful turn at the end...

Thank you very much for your votes, your support, and for listening. If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer in the replies here, on Twitter, on Discord—anywhere you're comfortable asking. And I'm excited to bring out a new selection of options for November's arrangement!


Lavender Town/Pokémon Tower (Pokémon Red/Blue) - Arranged by Scruffy

{ Become a patron to vote on what I arrange! https://www.patreon.com/scruffymusic { You can hear more of my music here: https://scruffymusic.bandcamp.com/ { And you can follow me on Twitter for more updates! https://twitter.com/Scruffy_Tweets By my patrons' vote, I've arranged the Lavender Town theme from Pokémon Red/Blue. But then it transitions into the theme for Lavender Town's claim to fame, the Pokémon Tower. While the town is known for creepy, off-kilter Ghost-type Pokémon, there's also an air of lamentation over Pokémon that have passed, especially in the graveyard within the tower. So I made the music a bit wistful and macabre, and I included some Pokémon calls that you would hear there. Finally, I infused some Javanese gamelan into the melody. I've fond memories of playing in a gamelan ensemble, and these melodies seemed to lend themselves to the style! Thanks for listening!



I know why I voted for Lavender Town, I was so looking forward to it, but you managed to go beyond my expectations! It gave me goose bumps the whole time and I love that you implemented the little story with Cubone and your hopeful twist made me so happy 😍


Thank you! During that part, I was originally looking into the vocal samples I had for the choir part, but I eventually decided I would just sing it myself because I needed that gesture to work hand in hand with the Pokémon calls and the rest of the ensemble. I'm glad it all worked out, made for a nice heartfelt moment in this otherwise eerie piece.