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Attached I have two of the brushes I use for almost everything. I like to use versatile brushes because I don't like having to swap them around all of the time.

Concept brush is what I use for sketches.

Comic inker is used for all my line art.

I typically work on an A3 Canvas at 300dPi. The inker is generally set to 20-30px. Sketch brush is used at all sizes for shading, lines etc.




She is very nice.

Buffy Staut

She is Stunning. Just discovered your art and you’re great.


Awesome, welcome aboard. I’m glad you like my work! Thanks for the support

Drobi Drobinski

A3 Canvas? Where do you live? 🤔


Australia :). When I say a3 as well I'm just talking about the canvas dimensions in clip studio which is 297x420mm or something like that which equates to something like 3508x4961px