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Okay! After yesterday's video asking about whether or not to switch the patreon to a monthly system, the response seems to be overwhelmingly in favor of doing so. Ergo, we're going to implement this system starting next month and see how it goes! For April, there are still 2 more videos that Davoo will be editing by the end of the month, and I'd also like to do another "4 Months of Previously Unpatroned Stuff" post one last time before that becomes irrelevent because you guys will be paying for everything. Here's the system I'm planning to update us to!

Reward Tiers:

$3 - Access to the Blocked and Unreleased Videos Archive - Exactly as it is now.

$5 - Montly Behind-the-Scenes Vlog On Recent Videos - Those vlogs I do where I explain how all of my videos over the past month came together.

$10 - Hours-Long Video Commentaries With Davoo - The super-long videos where Davoo and I go through all of my old videos and commentate on how they were made/how they hold up.

$15 - Access To TWO Bi-Weekly Patron-Exclusive Podcasts - In other words, a podcast every week, but alternating between two different 45-minute shows. 

One will be Digi Does Life--a show wherein I ramble about concepts that interest me, relate them to events from my personal history, and muse about the nature of life. 

The other will be Irrelevent Anime History--a show wherein I talk about long-forgotten anime and manga and historical tidbits, like creators who barely anyone cares about or shows that are more interesting to discuss than they would be to watch. Think "Old-Ass Anime Cast," but about the shows that weren't once my favorites.

$20 - Twice-Monthly Patron-Exclusive Livestream - I do a livestream with a patrons-only chat. Probably about 2 or 3 hours long, depending on how many people will show up and how much they'll want to talk to me about. One of them will be at 4PM EST, and the other at 2AM EST (hours adjustable if these work for no one)--that way people all over the world will have an opportunity to get in there. All of them will be archived and accessible to people on this tier forever, so if you do miss them you can still go watch them--and if you know that you're not going to be available that date/time, you can send me questions you want me to answer ahead of time and I'll answer them in the video.

$25+ - Once A Month I Will Make A Video Where I Sing Your Names To The Tune of Cruel Angel Thesis (Or Other Anime Songs) - If you're pledging this much or more, it's probably not about rewards for you--but you deserve to be celebrated anyways. Once a month, I'll write a rendition of an anime song in which I sing your names and how much you pledged and how much I love you. 

What will change about the content?

Not too much, but a little. I won't feel the need to absolutely make 4 main-channel videos every month, and my editing budget won't be tied to just that certain kind of video anymore. I can have Davoo edit epic long-form videos without worrying about splitting them into parts for more profit. I can have him edit a myriad of short-form or minimal videos without worrying about them being "not enough" to be worth patron marking.

Basically, my videos are currently facing an economic fjord. There's the "rich 1%" of videos, which are mainline Digibro anime analysis, and then there's the poor videos that can't have any budget put into them because they aren't worth enough. This patreon sytem will allow me to grow a middle-class in my videos, and spend more time on stuff that I currently just churn out with no editing or care because they don't make me enough money.

This will both mean that my bigger main-channel videos can flourish (making one giant video in a month like I've always been saying I wanted to), and also that my random side-content can flourish (think of shows like Handfuls of Zen or Digi Bros Discuss, which basically never happen because they take just slightly too much work. I could even afford to hire my good friend Hentai Samurai to make more videos ;D).

Anyways, look forward to all of this getting rolled out next month! Hopefully it works out and me and Davoo don't instantly go poor! lol


How The Patreon Will Change Next Month

Uploaded by Digibro After Dark on 2017-04-25.



this is gonna be the shit.


$25+ is god tier


So your channel will have a monthly payout next month, and the page will reflect that starting May 1st? Just wondering when I should log in and make the big switcheroo

Dillon DuMais

I'm definitely gonna do at least one month at the $25 mark cause that shit's hilarious and I love your vids, can't keep my pledge there for too long, but it's definitely worth it at least once. I'll probably settle around $15 a month


Yeah it'll be May 1st. I'll make a big deal about it when the time comes, so you'll know.

Taya Toxin

Pfffttt, better clean those pipes fam. Real talk, I sure hope this keeps you stable, if not make the waters of profit rise just a bit. Hentai Samurai could maybe could off of Pornhub with some assistance, hmm.


Looks like I'm gonna have to up my pledge next month. ;)


The change sounds awesome. Have no idea what to expect from the songs but it should be fun, lol. Also, what days will livestreams normally be on?


Probably Saturday or Sunday since I imagine that's when most people will be available.


good sir, are you holding out on Evangelion analysis as a reflection of the actual Evangelion release? (ps. thanks for the great content)


I have a question about the livestreams. For the people who pay the needed amount, will there be any way to watch the livestreams after the fact? Just in case someone accidentally has a life but still doesn't want to miss out.