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Here's a 2-years-late defense of the visual style of Kill la Kill, because I haven't seen it satisfyingly done yet, and I don't want the conversation around this show to die without anyone defending its phenomenal animation style. Enjoy!


Kill la Kill's Inventive Animation

For some reason, there are people laboring under the impression that Kill la Kill isn't one of the best-looking TV anime ever made. I seek to correct that notion.



Seeing that you made a Kill la Kill analysis instantly made my entire day better. I loved every bit of it, but I think my favorite observation of yours was "Harime Nui is a Loony Toon." "HOLY SHIT, SHE TOTALLY IS!"


I always thought that the animation was just part of the style. It never felt out of place. I always loved it.

Reverse Spectrum

I never realised how much standing around and talking anime had. Now I can't stop seeing it, you ruined anime for me! But kill la kill can't be ruined because it's a masterpiece.