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I just thought I'd let everyone know that I plan to raise my video production rate soon and I plan to mark AT LEAST eight to ten videos this month for patronage. If you have not put a cap on your monthly patron limit because you figured I only mark 4 to 6 videos a month, this is my way of letting you know that I will be marking more. I just don't want anyone to get charged a lot more than they expected.



Ooh, zee plot thickens! : D You're so considerate for telling folks about that, can't wait to see what all you whip up!


Aw hell yeah, I'm RAISING my pledge from .50 to 1 dollar for this! See, because of how much your videos have kind of wavered around, I wasn't sure what would be coming, but now I can tell that some good content is on the way~


Awesome! thanks for the heads up.