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Holy mother of God, I been slippin'.

As you may know, I've been in Rochester for the last 8 days chilling with May's family on one big Thanksgiving holiday. For some reason, I thought with us being up there for so long, we'd have tons of downtime in which I could work on my rants and maybe finish vol. 2 of Kusomega--but this was not the case. I did get tons of footage for the November care pack (which should be ready to ship in the next couple days) and got a KHANTEHNT and a little weird meme vid done, as well as wrote some stuff, but that was all I managed while there.

In other words, I've still got half the October rants to do, ALL of the November rants, AND now the new December rants to do by month's end. And I also have to fix the way the new patron tiers work, because patreon's way of denoting who can see what posts makes no goddamn sense for people who change their reward tiers basically ever.

On top of all that, I really want to get all of the patreon stuff up on New Project 2 as well. If you didn't see my video about Patreon kicking Metokur from their platform, I have extremely little faith in Patreon's ability to continue hosting my content long-term, with them continually moving the bar for what is considered acceptable here. I would also like to import my videos over to BitChute, as well as to set up some kind of server with all of my stuff on it and to start releasing videos via Torrent, including creating one massive batch torrent of all of my work. I will go into all of my reasoning for this later.

If you asked me what is the hardest part of my job to actually get done, it's maintenance. There is almost constant maintenance required in this job, as well as in my everyday life, and it's easy to fall behind on it all when all you're thinking about is making as much content as possible as fast as possible. For instance, all of my files are in total chaos. When people tell me that one of my vids has been taken down, I just become sad at the realization that I have absolutely no idea where the source file might be in all my hard drives and disorganized folders, or if it might be on a hard drive which I can no longer access.

When everything is in a state of chaos like this, it's hard to do things like mass-reupload taken-down videos, or to port stuff to new platforms. Likewise, it's hard to move around and live life when your house is a mess--which it kind of is--and to figure out what you're going to eat and watch your food spending when you keep pushing back grocery visits, etc. Point is, to quote my own track, "now it's clogged and backed up."

For the month of December, my work is thankfully cut out for me. It's the last month of 2019, so it only makes sense to start doing TOP 50 OF THE DECADE lists. When I've done best of the year lists, I've always made sure I'd given a shot to every single candidate that year before making the list, but there's no feasible way I'll have time to do that even within the next year, even if it was all I was doing. There were several years this decade where I wasn't that active watching anime, so there's tons of shit I missed, and in other categories such as music, there is just an endless amount of it. As such, these are basically going to be billed as "non-definitive" lists subject to eventual updating over the years. And since I am not tasking myself to mass-consume before making them, they should not be difficult to make. I will probably do several videos on anime, one about albums, and maybe some other stuff.

SO HERE'S THE PLAN: Make these Top 50 videos and release them over the course of the month, while catching up on everything else. The rants, the care packs, the light novel, file organization, reuploading missing content, updating the patreon and importing all of its content to New Project 2, getting my stuff onto alt platforms, building a server, and hopefully even getting all my shit into one giant batch torrent so everyone can have whatever they want without concern for my shitty data management. And of course, I'm gonna clean the house and even try to clean up my eating and smoking habits as much as possible.

But wait, there's more! All of this sounds nice and cool and great, and as we all know, stating your plans gives you the same satisfaction as actually doing those plans, so how can anyone really believe that this stuff is going to get done? The answer is accountability. Every night before I go to bed I am going to make a patreon post about the progress I've made that day. We're going full shareholder reports here, baybee!!

It'll be something like this, using last night/this morning as an example:

-Picked up all the trash in the house and started work on organizing it

-Replenished common household items which had been depleted

Most of the time these will be more oriented around work, obviously, but there you go. Look forward to the first update before I pass out tonight! Let's get everything wrapped up this winter!



Albert Nakano

It sounds like you need professional organizational help with your professional materials.


You've got this dude. Make it happen.


Is it happening? Is Artso Fartso finally gonna implement some structure into his life?


I really like the idea of doing a daily post, should help your case God willing


I love this shareholder-reports idea! The closest thing to Vlogmas I'm ever gonna see coming from Digi, good luck!!