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I had so much to review that I ended up recording it early for once! Opens with a long, in-depth review of Tomb Raider 2013 (including comparative analysis of Uncharted), followed by some notes on My Neighbor Totoro, Mr. Plinkett's Ghostbusters review, and old Kajetokun meme videos that I watched while high and understood more than ever. I also tell the story of a weird ass local restaurant with a hashtag in the title, and give some notes on some other little games and the city of Santa Clara.

Stuff I Mentioned:

Digi & May Do Tomb Raider 

Mr. Plinkett's Ghostbusters Review 

Kajetokun's old meme videos 



Your burger place idea sounds more like BurgerFi which seems to want people to post pics on instagram, has a few weirder burger options, has a few more things to buy from the menu, and brands their buns with their Logo.


watched Totoro with friends high, thanks to this podcast. We had a great time!


I looked up #snap and it looks EXACTLY like in-n-out, guessing it tasted similar too