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Okay! So I disappeared for even longer than I'd already been disappearing for, but for the last time! A lot of shit happened in my personal life--namely, moving all the way up the East coast into my own townhouse! My girlfriend, May (expect to see more of her), and I moved into a two-bedroom townhouse in upstate New York. I will make a vlog showing it off as soon as we get all the posters up. 

Moving in was a crazy and cool experience, but I didn't have internet for most of the week so I couldn't get back to serious work until yesterday. I didn't want to make a roundup post until I actually had something to show, so here it is now! I'm still behind on patron rewards and mainline content, but you can expect that stuff soon! I've also got big plans for reviving my main channel in August, but I don't wanna give too much away about that. On to the roundup!

(None of the fucking formatting options are showing up, why is Patreon posting always broken??)

The Most Interesting Thing About Gakkougurashi & Shimoneta - Continuing my new weekly series of super-short pieces on the most interesting aspects of shows I don't have much to say about. I think I am going to keep making these for a while, tho idk if I'll have ideas for them forever.



Digibro Rocks Anime Expo - A recording of my AX panel, which went exceedingly well for having been totally unplanned. It was basically me just riffing off of the audience for an hour and it was a lot of fun.


Insufferable Social Media Argument: The Podcast #11 - The show is back after many hiatuses, and it's still great!


The PCP Vs. Mumkey's Book - A spirited discussion about Mumkey's book, The Triflers, between myself, Nate, and Jesse. It's a good time if you've read the book or heard it described.


Gay and Dead: Behind the Scenes - A long track-for-track, line-for-line breakdown of my latest and greatest rap album.


The Spice of Quiet Podcast Guests - An idea vlog that takes a strange turn as I get lost in weird food metaphors and grow increasingly excited.


Breaking Down My Favorite Rap Verse: TV On 10 - As described--an almost mesmerizing vlog in which I passionately analyze a rap.


Finish or Fail: Spring 2017 Anime #1 - Finish or Fail returns! Now with a guest! This is the first video to feature my girlfriend May, and it won't be the last, because we watch anime together and I like having someone to actually talk to as opposed to talking to a void.


5 More Great Bands No One Talks About - A follow-up to the same thing I did a year ago.


Breaking the Habit - A shitpost.


Digi, Mumkey & Friends: Let's Play Extravaganza - An entire night's worth of let's play recordings that I've been sitting on since like March, and finally just released in one epic 6-hour load.


Ben Owns At Downwell - Digibro & Others - Another of the let's plays recorded months ago.


Digi, Ben & Davoo Do Downwell - Ibid.


SLIME RANCHER - Digi bros and girls BONUS EPISDE - An extra-long, extra-bad episode of Digi Bros that we recorded out of nowhere while everyone was exhausted. Probably not worth watching.


The Elements of Brony "Icebreaker" - So this is an extra-weird release. The Elements of Brony was an epic video-cast series that my friend Neal X organized 4 years ago, and which was never completed. Before we did any recordings, we had done this "icebreaker" podcast to see how things would go, and Neal planned to release it in the future--so here we have this very strange time capsule to my early brony days!


Munchy's AX livestreams - Munchy livestreamed random shit during Anime Expo, and I'm in it.








Heads up, about half the links have time codes in them because YouTube is doing this fucking stupid thing now where it automatically changes the URL.