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In this episode I detail my history and falling out with anime forums, and then talk about my the insistence I feel to watch and share bizarre anime whose existence is questionably justified.

Stuff I Referenced:

(I'm not gonna bother linking to all those old forums I mentioned, that stuff is best left to the imagination.)

Matching Ties Network 

Interesting Anime Protagonists [Ep. 1] 



Talk about anime' impact on your fashion. Also how deep is anime YouTube? Have you dived deep enough that you can say what has and hasn't got discussion on YouTube. Also is it all well connected or is there like distant pockets of anime discussion on YouTube. Example Mangapod and its guests seem very detached from you and people you've collared with. You were a guest on there before I knew of you though so maybe not???


The 2nd topic presented in this really got interesting for me, because as soon as you introduced the idea I thought of two shows: Figure 17 and Key the Metal Idol. I feel the exact same way about those two (seriously dont read my mind like that, its creepy). That being said, I've completed both and gotta tell you that they don't really do much past the first few episodes. They're consistent and initially intriguing, but getting through them can be a real drag. However, I still feel a weird urge to defend and recommend them just because of how obscure they are. In the end, I really don't think it's necessary though. These shows fulfill a certain niche in anime that neither of us are really a part of. Anybody who would truly enjoy them for what they are will be able to find them on their own or through a more specified content creator.

June Guts

Speaking of speaking of shows like Figure 17, I wouldn't mind a series (or even just one vlog) specifically talking about the weirdest anime that you want to talk about but haven't yet because you haven't watched all of.