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Obviously I made the previous weekly post like a couple days ago and didn't put out a ton of stuff since then, but I figured I'd do a roundup for the month's end just to keep things clean. If you're not sure you saw everything that came out this month, be sure and check the first three roundups:

5/7/17 Roundup 

5/15/17 Roundup 

5/26/17 Roundup 

How Much Do Anime Visuals Matter?  - In which I turn the tables a bit and argue the other side of the field from where I usually do--that visuals aren't the only thing which make anime unique, and that it's totally understandable to be an anime fan without caring much about quality visuals.

Old-Ass Anime Cast #9: Otaku  - Recounting my history with the term "otaku," by way of Otaku no Video, Genshiken, and personal anecdotes.

In Defense of Vanilla  - A passionate argument in defense of a flavor that I think is cool and has taken on unwarranted negative associations.

Book Club 8: Susan Napier's Anime From Akira to Howl's Moving Castle  - A podcast discussion over on the Pause and Select channel which I participated in, discussing an academic book about anime.

Manga Mondays: Astro Boy  - My thoughts on the first omnibus of the most classic of classic manga by Osamu Tezuka.

Pittsburgh Vlog & Improv Jam Session  - An on-the-road update along with some fun little clips and an extended improv jam session with some musician friends.

The Blue Glow: Skullmonkeys  & Ergheiz  - A couple of let's plays on Endless Jess' channel that Ben Saint and I participated in at Radcon 2. Skullmonkeys is absolutely worth watching for the experience of that game.



So IS there an interesting backstory to the vanilla vlog? Why does it exist? Why didn't it exist 2 years ago? Why now?


when can we expect the "Singing Your Name To The Tune Of Anime Songs!" reward?