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Holy mother of God, this was probably one of the busiest weeks of my entire life. That might sound like hyperbole to some of you longtime fans who've seen me put out like 20 videos in a week, but there was a lot of behind-the-scenes stuff going on this week as well. Making all the changes to the Patreon was a big part of it, as was all the moving plans going on. 

Ben Saint moved out yesterday, and Davoo is leaving on the 10th, so anything left to do with them had to be rounded up. Ben finally finished the banners I'd commissioned him for as you probably noticed, and Davoo and I have been trying to record as many commentaries as possible before he leaves. Since these are 2.5 to 3 hours long, they take quite a bit of time to stock up. We also did an hour-long let's play together which will probably be out before too long which talks a lot about where we're all going. I probably summarize in there how I took a day driving upstate with my mom in search of an RV that I might or might not try to move into (we had little luck).

An episode of the Pub Crawl was recorded which isn't out yet, as was a 2.5-hour Book Club podcast that'll be on Pause and Select's channel, which I participated in, reviewing the book ANIME: From Akira To Howl's Moving Castle. I had to read most of the book the night before, since I hadn't found time for it in the prior month. I'll link those whatever week they come out.

I also wrote a new main-channel video that'll be coming soon, which Davoo has been working on all week. So look forward to that in the next roundup. In the meantime, here's the stuff that got released:

I Wrote This Light Novel In Like A Week, It Sucks And I Hate It, But If It Gets An Anime Adaptation I'll Pretend It Was A Work of Genius   - So this is obviously the thing that most turned this into such a busy week. On episode 4 of the Eromanga-sensei podcast, I said that I'd write a light novel before the next episode, just to prove that I could, because the main characters in the show kept churning books out at ridiculous speed. I couldn't have picked worse timing, but I did it anyways. 

A lot of people seem to have really enjoyed this book, and I definitely think at least most of it is pretty fun. About half of it is totally insane meta-humor and memes about light novels, and the other half is basically a podcast about my history as a writer, and exploring my writing style and thoughts on creativity. Most of that first half is in the first hour, though some of the best little fiction bits are sprinkled through the later hours. There are no shortage of problems with it and weak sections, which are just the result of the challenging time-frame that it had to be produced in. For instance, the first hour of the audiobook has way too fast editing, while the other hours have way too slow editing because I was running up on the deadline. I've considered making an upload where I strip it down to just the good parts, but I think a lot of people would have their own favorite or least favorite bits. Some might even like all the most podcast-y parts. In any case, writing this definitely made me want to  try and do more fiction in the near future.

Emotional Anime Raps  - I rapped emotionally over a bunch of anime songs. This had kind of been in the works in the back of my mind for a while, but I really wanted to try and get it done before all the big events of this month. I'd tried to finish it before March was over, but just had too much stuff going on. Trying to do it in this same week as all this other madness was maybe not the best idea, especially since I think it's got a pretty niche appeal. I also made a video  about it just to explain how it came together. 

Old-Ass Anime Cast #5: .hack , Old-Ass Anime Cast #6: Gunslinger Girl  - The series continues! .hack one was a day late just because of how much was going on at the end of March lol. You probably get what this series is about by now, but here I talk about a franchise I have a long negative history with, and one that used to be a favorite of mine, but for various reasons I've been terrified to revisit.

Insufferable Social Media Argument: The Podcast - Ep. 6: Elliot Roger, North Korea, Vaccines  - My ongoing show with Mumkey Jones in which we argue about so-called "issues" with complete irony and bullshit satire. Edgiest podcast on the internet, but funny as hell when it is. This episode gets off to a really weak start with our first argument, but picks up from there.

Eromanga-sensei Every Week w/ Best Guy Ever - WEEK 5  - Watch me and Nate melt down in real-time as we continue to watch this terrible anime every week! Do or don't watch the actual show, it's hilarious either way.

Manga Mondays: There's A Demon Lord On the Floor, Manga Mondays: Spirits & Cat Ears  -  Now releasing twice-weekly! Because I'm ending all of the other weekly recommendation vlogs, and it was getting really weird having the stuff I've been reading not get talked about for months on end, so I wanted to speed things up. Partly so I can talk about what I've been reading more recently, and partly because these manga are usually brand-new when I review them, but have several volumes out by the time the videos drop, which really hurts their already lackluster timeliness.

DVD Tuesdays: Kamichu! , DVD Tuesdays: Memories , DVD Tuesdays: The Legend of Black Heaven  - The last 3 episodes of DVD Tuesdays, released all at once because all of the other shows were already over and it'd be weird if this one kept coming out. I felt releasing them all at once would communicate the finality of the weekly rec vlogs.

I AM THE ULTIMATE HUMAN CONTENT MACHINE , Kirino's Ass & The Purpose of Analysis  - Stuff dealing with the patreon changed, which you've probably already seen.

I feel bad on some level that immediately after changing the patreon model to one that let's me do whatever I want, I immediately made two huge projects that are totally different from the content most of you probably know me for, but that was honestly mostly a coincidence, driven by the stuff going on in my personal life outside of content. I've got some more normal vlogs planned for soon, and Davoo will have finished the next main channel video by tomorrow, so hopefully things even out a bit!



I think Heat Death is basically everything I wanted from you as a rapper Digi. Probably my second favorite after Deadline.

June Guts

If you literally made a limited-release physical edition of that terrible shit light novel, I would buy it. I loved it.


Really loved the emotional anime raps!


I consume almost content you make except​ DigiBros (which I should get around to) so I have no complaints about the past week's content.

Isaac Cynova

It's been awesome man. I'm contributing more to your patreon than I am Philip DeFrancos, and I'm not sad about it. Thank you for all the content!