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Doing something a little different this month, since I need some extra time to work on some personal projects, and I can't really afford to put Patreon on pause again - more on the projects in a few months! Some of you might know my fondness for repainting my older works because they take up less of my time and truly showcase my leveling-up progress. I hope you won't mind this sudden change, and brand new pieces will of course still be painted for the April rewards. Here's a small collection of previous works that I think could be improved with my current skills. Only the two winners will be repainted, so choose carefully 🥰


Shawna Canon

This is a cool idea, though I wonder if you have even older works that you could do this with. It's always fun for me when I see artists redo art that they did really early on, so the difference between past skill and current skill is more dramatic.

Justin Dicke

Ahri is always a winner. Unless Sona is an option