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Hina from Weathering With You 🙏💧It’s such a stunning and heartwarming movie, so if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it 💙 Hope you like it!

Quick health update: First of all, thank you so much for all your kind words and warm support! As a lot of you know by now, I've been struggling with my eyes for a while now and recently tried out an intense acupuncture treatment. I'm very happy to report that the treatment seems to have helped me and I feel a bit better now. This doesn't mean I'm cured or that it can't get worse again, but at least for right now things seems to be going the right direction, so I'm very happy about that. :)

This painting will be included in the reward package of September 2020, and will be released in the beginning of October.

Content Tiers include:

Tier 1: Full Resolution Images.

Tier 2: Full Resolution Images, 1 random NSFW image.

Tier 3: Full Resolution Images, Step-by-Step Images, PSD's, Brushes, NSFW Images.

Tier 4: Full Resolution Images, Step-by-Step Images, PSD's, Brushes, NSFW Images, Free Digital Sketch.




Whoaaa we’re literally watching this with friends today :D this is beautifullll <3 >Good to know you’re feeling better, too <3


Hey, that are great news! Nice to hear that ^^


It looks absolutely stunning! Nice work. And good to hear that you are slowly getting better! Wish you all the best for the future. Keed at it :)

Star Tsurugi

Nice to hear that the treatment helped. Sending you my energy!


Please take care of yourself before overworking your eyes. We want to be able to appreciate your art and support you for a long time to come. Cant do that if you can't see


glad to hear you are feeling better. Hope it all works out in the end =)


Adorable 😍😍


Im so glad to hear you are doing better :) I will keep you in my prayers and hope it only gets better from here.


Good to hear you doing better. Looking forward to more pieces from you, but keep your health in priority.


Good luck with your health, and take care!


Is that out in the States yet?