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hello!! im back from my break! im sorta easing back into being active here and reworking all this before the billing cycle kicks up again in May

currently the patreon is under heavy construction and i'll make a more specific post in a day or so but for now the biggest changes arreee

new tiers across the board - ive made all new tiers and am reworking the rewards. most tiers are going up a little bit in price but the rewards are going up in quality/ability

nsfw tier! - that's right, im gonna start doing lewd drawings. im surprised it took me so long since im not shy when it comes to nudity and horny stuffs, i just didn't think it was popular enough in the community. so that tier is for voting on who gets lewded and access to those arts (the lewds will never go public, idek where its fine to post that stuff anymore lol)

so right now, all the current/old tiers are unpublished. you can take a look at the new ones in progress and slide over to the new and improved versions at your leisure. i won't delete the old tiers for a month or until we've mostly transitioned and have everything sorted. so your bill will not change UNTIL  YOU CHANGE IT. but i will ween off them and eventually only post to the new tiers

EDIT: patreon will charge you up front for the new tier in full so you've got 2 options. switch over before May and pay for april voluntarily (as i paused billing for april) or unsub and re sign up AFTER the turn of the new month to only pay for the new tier in may

patreon is super unfriendly to mass post editing and re organizing so please excuse the mess and thank you for being so patient. things might be wonky the next 48 hours

THANK YOU! vacation was wonderful!! and I look forward to being back and refreshed!



Will the NSFW be belly/expansion focused or more vanilla NSFW?

Nenohi Dayo

welcome back, shofts


Glad to have ya back soft!


Belly/expansion focused and other naughty bits on show. Then more compromising positions is what I'm thinking. But belly is the main event!