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It wasn't hard to see why people would be interested in Grant.

The bun was, to be frank, endlessly charming. His deep voice was calm, a varied vocabulary speaking to his intelligence just as his laugh belayed his mirth. Not to mention just how well he took care of himself, cut muscles and a soft belly easily showing his ability to balance health & good eating.

It was clear why people would find him interesting, of course.

What wasn't clear at first, was why he was so interested in you.

What began as a chance meeting with the college senior turned into a study date, before such meetings grew more intimate to keep calling them "studies." He was attentive, easy to open up to, with a wit that left you gasping with laughter - when he wasn't making you gasp in other ways, of course~

With Valentine's Day on the horizon, your kinkier side couldn't help but divulge your desires for...more. Larger anatomy to play with, your insatiable love for BIG. His eyes grew wide, and a devious smile spread across his face. He made a promise that he'd blow your mind when he saw you again, that fateful holiday.

Even now, illuminated by the window, his smoky fur practically eclipsed by the size of his member, you couldn't believe your eyes. You were intimately aware of his "size," but you had never seen him like THIS!

Noticing that you were speechless, a blush colored his face as he tried to explain how he could shift his "size," wanting your relationship to grow further before showing off, to make sure you liked him for more than just his immense proportions. It was the only time you had ever heard him stammer, and even then, he managed to keep his cool.

"I've been thinking about you all day, love..." he said softly, beckoning you closer, "Lay with me, won't you~?"

This wasn't a question, really. Before he was even finished speaking, Grant could see the desire in your eyes, a look he soon shared. You wouldn't be walking anywhere after having your wish fulfilled, but it didn't matter.

Grant was always more than enough, now more than ever~


What better way to introduce a new OC, than with inviting light & showing off, just a little~?

Meet Grant, the newest member of the Big Burr Roster! He's a hell of a flirt, though tends to be a bit more subdued when speaking. He's got a quick wit, but doesn't overplay his hand, and tends to hold genuine love for those he takes a liking to.

Here's hoping you like this new bun, just as much as he likes you~!


Thank you all again for your incredible support!



omega wolfie

Ouuu what a handsome gentleman look at the way he is setting yes very handsome 🩵🤍