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In the depths of the internet, anything is possible...

Running through the shimmering streets, you can't help but look behind you. The Queen had sent her minions after you, and even after pushing through a dozen or so traps, you couldn't be sure if you were truly alone or not.

Finally, being truly winded, you manage to duck behind a building and lean against the wall, catching your breath as quickly as you could. Glancing around the corner, you start to breathe a sigh of relief...

...only to turn back to the alley, a large, imposing figure mere feet away from you.

Your eyes widen as you take in the sight - heavy curves, bulging out thin latex and sheer white fabric, neon blues complimenting the darker tones. Her weapon - a flail with a long rope - was stretched taught in her paws...yet, while she appeared menacing, she didn't advance.

In fact, despite how difficult it was to read her glowing eyes, you almost caught a hint of...desire?

Almost as if sensing your realization, a wide smile split her face, the being approaching ever so slowly... you sense that she's absolutely got plans in mind for you...

As her soft belly pressed you against the wall, her heavy chest easily engulfing your face, you submit. It would be poor form to resist an Admin, wouldn't it?

Time for you to be a good little program~!


Let's close out Spooky Month with a fun surprise! I wanted to be the one to choose Bailey's costume, and it made me realize that I'd never drawn Tasque Master! Hopefully this extra thick incarnation is enough to satisfy your Halloween desires~!

Thank you all for joining me this Spooky Month! Stick around for even more fun stuff to come! 


Thank you so much for your support!



omega wolfie

Ouu I love deltarune of course I'll help momma burr burn a few MBs how can I help~