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She'd been sweet on the Mayor for some time now.

Stealing glances during the day, remaining attentive to his every need, bending over juuuuuuuuust right when she gave him the day's schedule...she was playing a little game, and he was right there with her. His own words, thickly laden with suggestion, his glances, that rakish smile... she simply adored the thrill of it all, enough to finally make a move.

The schedule for the final hour of the day was cleared, thankfully to no one's inconvenience, and the Mayor was only just returning from a short break...to find his dutiful assistant, sitting atop his cleared desk, a familiar silvery package held between her outstretched fingertips.

"Someone left a... "private message" for you, sir~" she teased, a soft blush coloring the cheeks that lay behind her voluminous afro, "for your eyes only, of course~"

The gentleman barely needed any further encouragement, his demeanor shifting immediately to that of playfully dominant counterpart to her roleplay.

As he approached, she couldn't help but bite her lip. Though he couldn't see her eyes, they were traveling all over his body, the sizeable bulge he carried causing her blush to burn even hotter.

Goodness, she thought to herself, maybe we'll need more than one...

I've got us scheduled for a full hour, after all~


Somewhat of a surprise, but not unwelcome! I've been meaning to draw Ms Bellum for quite  a while, and she seemed the perfect fit for Celeste this year! I simply adore drawing big curly hair ^^p


Thank you so much for your support!



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