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Beatrice wasn't easy to miss, but you still weren't ready to see her this close.

Spring break was just beginning, and despite how much you loved your classes, you were extra excited for the extra freedom the holiday would bring. You were just about to grab your final stack of books, before a pudgy, honey brown paw pressed down on the pile with a thud.

"Are you single, cutie~?"

Her voice was the first thing you noticed, but when your eyes snapped ahead of you, her belly was a close second. The pudgy orb before you heaved with the bear's excited breathing, a motion accentuated further in the soft bouncing of her ample breasts. Your eyes travel up higher, alighting on an eager, friendly face.

"I could use a friend..." you hear her say, her silky tongue sliding sensually over her lips, "Or someone much closer~!"

You were so enamored with her face (and, truthfully, her other assets) that you didn't notice the soft sloshing coming from within her belly, a subtle handprint of a more active meal...or former lover.

Seems you were the hot new piece for spring break. Treat her right, or you might end up a back-to-school treat~


More Beatrice, with more wild hair & rocking the DVU colors! You'll likely see more of her in the coming days, I've got a few fun ideas for this buxom beauty~


Thank you so much for your support!




Always glad to see more Beatrice!

Dual Eclipse

We can be firends :D I haven’t dated for long so I have no idea what to do :3