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It wasn't much of a secret that your grades weren't stellar. In fact, you couldn't help but avoid looking at the scoring, for fear of making those low marks a reality. It was often hard to pay attention in Professor Malloy's class, what with the teacher themselves being...well, let's say "distracting."

Naturally, after another paper of less than high quality, Prof. Malloy invited you to stay after class for a quick chat. When you slid into the desk to wait, you mentally queued as many excuses as you could...only for your mind to go blank when they approached.

Their top was open further than usual, leaving their lightly-freckled cleavage on full display. Their voice carried through the room, a somewhat...suggestive tone to their voice when they said,

"I feel as if your attention isn't focused on my teaching..."

You stammer to reply, only for your eyes to grow wide as their top falls to the floor, exposing their midnight blue bra, heaving breasts mere inches from your face.

"Perhaps these will capture your interest~?"


Seems you're caught in the doldrums of summer classes...it seems that Prof. Malloy is looking to inject a little "hands on" learning to their curriculum~


Thank you so much for your support!


