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You could hear her voice from the other room - soft, inviting, and laced with a flavor you knew all too well...need. Approaching the bedroom door, the sight that greets you is truly one to behold.

A bountiful bear, stripped and stretched across the sheets in a doggy pose, ample rump raised to the air to show off her slick, waiting lips.

"Dearest..." she coos, looking over her shoulder, "I have a need..."

Before she can even finish, you're already approaching, your own clothing left on the ground when your paws clasp her softly wobbling cheeks. You can hear the hunger in her voice, however - she isn't looking for playtime. 

She's looking for a toy, a weight in her belly you can only give her one way. Slowly, you slide your paws between her waiting lips, the soft muscle inside pulling you in as she shivers with delight. You can hear her moans, muffled as they were through thick, midnight blue flesh, and soon enough...you are fully within her womb.

Her heavy breathing resonates within you, deep, satisfied and fully of lust.

"Gods, yes..." you hear her gasp, as your eyes close for a cozy nap, "You're right where you belong~"


Wrapping up Mayternity with Bailey, being positively filled~! I'm really enjoying the lighting and texture experiments thus far - let me know what you think!


Thank you so much for your support!




Hhfff, this is so amazing, Baileyyyy <3