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There was nothing quite like that taste of real freedom.

Sage had been scrutinized all of their life, with each aspect of their existence carefully primped & polished for the world to see - their parents simply couldn't be embarrassed by their child, after all!

So when the python was unable to hide the DVU acceptance letter from his parents, the hell that broke loose was behind firmly closed doors. The lecture was scathing, the yelling was strong, and the guilt tripping was just as caustic as it had ever been...

But Sage didn't care. Not this time.

They knew what they wanted, and with the technical skill their father had insisted on them learning, Sage was able to fully withdraw all of their savings and strike out on their own in the dead of night. Had the snake bothered to even keep their old phone, they might have been cowed by the sheer amount of angry calls & messages from their former jailers.

But Sage didn't care. Not this time.

Those old habits died hard, however, and even in a setting that outright encouraged exploring their appetites, the cautious snake found it hard to really let loose & indulge to their true hearts content.

Until, of course, they met Tanner.

The extroverted feline had clearly taken a liking to Sage, his speaking excited & warm, all the while intently listening to the python's more relaxed, quiet side of the conversation.

Soon enough, they were a little more than friends, with Tanner going so far as to help Sage really get in touch with their desires - understand their sexuality, their hunger, and how those sides intersected~

One such night of experimentation was cut short (Sage may have been quiet in conversation, but not necessarily in bed) when they received a knock at the door. The python was letting their partner enjoy their coils, the smooth, cool scales brushing over warm fur as their thick tail gently constricted around their willing prey.

Sage might not have bothered, had they not recognized the tone of the RA - with a hastily drawn sheet & a barely cracked door, the python timidly answered.

As nosy as the fox was, he was easy to brush off. The unlikely pair enjoyed one another without further interruptions, laughing & rolling their eyes at what had happened. As they lay snuggled close together, the feline at the center of a loving coil pile, Sage reflected on their new life. Indulging, experimenting, loving how they really wished...there was a time when the python would have felt embarrassed, or ashamed of who they were.

But Sage didn't care. Not this time <3


What happens when you take a sheltered student & throw them into a setting that caters to all their suppressed whims? You get one stuffed, satisfied snake, that's what~!


Thank you all again for your incredible support!



omega wolfie

Ouuu big snek~ I love it perfect way to hide them too~