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You'll never know what the summer warmth will bring...

Then again, you'd been planning this all week, hadn't you? With classes finally finishing up, you were looking to make your way down to the beach for some much needed relaxation. The stress of classes & a lack of sunlight from the cold winter had made you stir-crazy, and with the first properly hot day landing on a weekend, you aimed to take advantage!

Grabbing your beach bag & some snacks, you made your way to the golden sands that had been so frigid mere weeks ago. Luckily, you had planned ahead, and managed to get here early enough to have your pick of the beach! No one seemed to be around...

...well, no one you recognized, at least. A single figure seemed to have had the same idea.

He was MASSIVE. Even from afar, he struck a particularly daunting silhouette, though the round shapes that composed this stranger made him a touch less intimidating. His obvious size became all the more apparent as you cautiously approach, trying your best not to stare and failing...

Who could even blame you? The whale that stood before you (a beluga, you think?) was among the largest you had ever seen, even by DVU standards. He had to have been easily 13' tall, his wide hips giving him the appearance of a ripe, glistening pear. His skin was like wet rubber, shimmering in the sun, all the while his ponderous tail twitched slowly behind him, the blubbery appendage looking as though it weighed more than you did...

You were too caught up in your staring to notice he was looking right back, an easy smile spreading across his face. The sound of his voice, with a casual twang of an accent, snapped you back to reality.

"Well, hello there!" he said, his voice deep and gentle, "Sorry if I startled ya. Y'see, I'm a bit new to these parts..."

He went on to explain that the warmer current had drawn him down, and that he was here to visit for the summer!

"Then again..." he said with a warm chuckle, "I wouldn't mind staying a little longer, if all the people on land are as cute as you are~!"


Meet William, the newest member of the Big Burr Crew! This beluga whale has been cooking in the background for a while, and with summer on the horizon, I figured now could be a fun time to introduce the blubbery cutie! I hope you can offer him a warm welcome~<3


Thank you all again for your incredible support!



J.Fiera CK-19

Now those guys are pretty rare those Beluga preds, and I must say this is a lovely story to introduce him. And nice wok on the belly tattoo too X3