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There are few things that can't be fixed with the right kind of TLC...

It hadn't been an easy week, what with the drudgery of work calling you from that which brought you peace. Endless meetings, reworked drafts, and painfully tedious coworkers could have easily ground your resolve into the dirt...

...if it weren't for Cassandra.

The matronly polar bear was like no one else you had ever met. What had been a casual conversation with a prospective client turned into something a little more lighthearted, with dinner soon following thereafter. After a few weeks of, shall we say, "less than professional" meetings, you had grown to know the voluptuous bear far better than you ever expected.

There was something in the way she spoke, the deeper warmth that flavored her words, the gleam in her eye when she listened intently during conversations, the crinkle of her eyes when she smiled. It wasn't just beauty, or lust...it was comfort...

Soon enough, your meetings grew far more intimate, and Cassandra soon began to dote upon you when the two of you enjoyed time together. Her motherly personality made it clear that she wished to care for you, however you wished, and even the very milk from her breast was yours upon request - which you accepted eagerly.

Months passed, and you didn't even notice how attached you had become, how many additional pounds you had gained from your feedings, how much you were beginning to depend on the adoration she gave so freely...

This was the weekend, however, that showed just how much she cared for you...

Trudging through the door of her opulent home (leaving your shoes at the door, naturally) you had been surprised to notice she hadn't been waiting at the door for you. Calling out her name, you could hear her respond through the door of her bedroom, inviting you to join her.

A smile building on your face, you approached the door, turning the knob, and stepping in...

To see a vision of absolute loveliness. Your bountiful violet bear, lounging on her belly in the massive bed you shared, with her gaze fixed upon you, a tender smile spreading over her wizened face. She was wearing her favorite matching set of undergarments, a deep violet lace bra struggling to hold her heaving chest and a thong that was practically invisible, having been greedily swallowed by her mountainous rear.

Even bathed in the cool light of the evening, it wasn't her beauty that caught your attention next - it was the sound of familiar voices, voices that you had been plagued with all week. Though they were muffled, the shrill tone was unmistakable, and you soon began to realize why.

The belly your lover rested upon was absolutely packed, chubby bulges moving & writhing from beneath the lush layers of fur and fat that coated her vast stomach, which seemed to be more than full. Putting two and two together, your eyes meet hers, your voice a stammer asking what she had done.

"Oh darling, all of these meals...they're for you~! I'll be so much softer after they melt away...and my milk will be all the richer~" She cooed, your mouth watering on instinct by the mere mention of her milk, which was already beginning to leak through the thin lace of her bra.

As hesitant as you may have been before, you realized that she went through the trouble of ridding you of bothersome coworkers, all the while making herself softer for you... you smiled wide, realizing that you would be able to help quiet her stomach, smoothing those lumps and bringing her belly peace...

How? It didn't matter. You were doing it for your momma, and that was all that mattered~


Something a little simpler, since my "special trip" is taking a second longer to cook for next week - enjoy a milky momma bear~<3


Thank you all again for your incredible support!



omega wolfie

Cassandra is just the cutest!!~ id love to lay with her and lay down and relax with her she looks so soft~ 🤍💜