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You never failed to poke your nose where it didn't belong...

You'd been a patron at the Deep V for a while - it was a hell of a venue, filled with exotic dancers, lascivious indulgences, and a stage for only the most exclusive performances. Membership wasn't tough to get - a monthly fee & appetite screening was all that really stood between you & the most exclusive vore clubs in town.

How very fitting, then, that your favorite music artist was going to be performing tonight!

Vesper had, admittedly been quite the obsession of yours for quite some time. No matter how they presented themselves, there was this fierce, feral allure in their blood-red eyes that made your skin crawl - not from fear, but from the thrill of knowing they could pounce at any moment...

Your plan was simple: sneak backstage (something you knew how to do easily, from your years of patronage) and simply ask them to sign your original pressing of their first album. The other bandmates were unloading their equipment, the stocky koala seen slipping behind the curtain to the backstage area.

You sauntered in behind them, doing your best to show just how casual you were with each step. The room was plastered with old band posters, heavy smoke filling the air and obscuring the neon signs, which cast the room in a deep red glow.

Perfect for the hellish individual before you, who appeared to have taken notice of your intrusion.

Clocking their binder, you referred to the clearly peeved koala as "sir," doing your best not to gush at having been so very close to your idol. There was a fearsome energy in the air, a tension that came with knowing you weren't meant to be back here, bothering one such as he, but you simply couldn't help but draw closer. You were pushing your luck, and you knew that, like a moth to a flame, your attraction could very well be your end.

Vesper rolled his eyes, the turned his back to you once more.

"So. You thought you could just...what? Waltz back here and get what you want?"

His tone was chilling, but you wouldn't be deterred. Yes, you said, with a confidence you weren't sure you really possessed...

He didn't turn around, but the voluptuous koala unhooked his jean shorts and let them fall to the floor, revealing his bare ass under the blood red light.

"Come closer..." he growled, a hint of hunger to his voice,

"Let me give you the real 'backstage experience~'"


More Vesper, showing yet another unruly fan exactly what happens when they lack respect~

(Vesper is genderfluid, using he/they pronouns for this image/story)


Thank you all again for your incredible support!




Spicyyyy ~//w//~

omega wolfie

Oh my~ I rarely see a cute koala vore~ anal but I do love this cutie wonderful work momma burr~

omega wolfie

Oml my Grammer there is awful don't let me comment on stuff when I'm tired